About Bullet Indicators

A bullet indicator is bar chart that shows a data value compared to a target value and one or more thresholds. Bullet indicators can be configured to show trends, relative standing, or multiple targets. Bullet indicators can display horizontally or vertically.

A bullet indictor with a black value bar (labeled Value Bar), red, gold, and green thresholds (Thresholds 3, 2, and 1), a blue target line, the title "Monthly Averages" and a scale from 1 to 100.

You can add a bullet indicator to a page using an indicator portlet or they can be added as a column on a tabular-style portlet. You can define up to three thresholds and two targets.

NOTE: Measure Factory license holders can select Horizontal Bullet or Vertical Bullet options. Standard license holders have a single bullet option which is horizontal by default, but the Orientation can be set to vertical in the Extra properties dialog box.

See also: