VI Input Objects Overview

Visual Integrator (VI) input objects bring data into the workflow. The table below describes each input object and links to a reference topic that details the attributes for each object type.

Visual Integrator Input Objects

Input Object Description
cBase Accesses data in a DI cBase. See VI cBase Input Object.
Datagen Provides data generation capability. See VI Datagen Input Object.
Dict Describes the format of an input or output file. See VI Dict Input Object.
Directory Processes file system directories as input data. See VI Directory Input Object.
Filein Accepts input from a set of external text files. See VI Filein Input Object.
FTP Accesses data from a remote system using the Internet standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP). See VI FTP Input Object.
List Provides a method of defining an input table. See VI List Input Object.
Model Accesses data in a DI Model. See VI Model Input Object.
SQL Defines data to be accessed from an ODBC-accessible database. See VI SQL Input Object.
XML Extracts tabular data from XML documents. See VI XML Input Object.