Platform Migration Checklist
Use the following checklist when migrating a Diver Solution 6.4 application to Diver Platform 7.x:

- Start with a copy of the live environment
- Watch out for different system paths for DI files
- DI software: E:\DI_Solution versus D:\di\solution\dev (standard varies by version)
- ETL scripts: Integrator, Production, DIAL
- Search and replace paths using Workbench, unless you already parameterized your scripts
- Watch out for scripts dependent on system PATH variable, for example
- Integrator scripts calling integ without a specific path
- Execute nodes in Production scripts

6.4 DiveLine Namespace
- Accessed by data clients (ProDiver, DivePort, NetDiver), and VI for tunnel scripts
- Forward slash (“/”) maps to the dl-dataroot\data directory on disk
- Supports aliases to “mount” other system paths
- Markers use DiveLine Namespace paths exclusively
- Tunnel scripts use file system paths
6.4 Production Sandbox
- Accessed by development tools (DI-Production, Visual Integrator)
- Forward slash (“/”) maps to the configurable Production Sandbox root
- Supports aliases to “mount” other system paths
- Production scripts use Production Sandbox paths
- Integrator scripts use file system paths
- Accessed by all DI clients
- Forward slash (“/”) maps to a particular root directory on disk (project root)
- Supports system aliases to “mount” other system paths
- Supports project aliases to “mount” paths from other projects
- All files use project paths to refer to other files, but there are exceptions
- You can escape the project via Execute node and Execrow objects, if enabled
- You can escape the project via Production Extensions
- Functions in DIAL that save files to disk use local file system paths
- Paths inside Integrator scripts can be problematic, unless they use relative or parameterized paths
- Use the home project feature to manage end-user access

Access Control in 6.4 DiveLine Namespace
- For each file or directory:
- Search for an ACL for the current user
- If none found, search for ACLs for the user’s groups
- If none found, search for the ACL for the “*” user
- Limits combine both the rule and the data values
- Group X: Limit Dimension “Region” to “North” and “South”
- Group Y: Limit Dimension “Region” to “West” and “East”
- Deletes name columns to remove
- Group Z: Delete column “Cost”
Access Control in 7.x Projects
- Directory-level only—see About Access Control
- Rules can be conditional or unconditional—available conditions are:
- User—if-user in script,
- Group—if-group in script,
- Property—if-property in script
- All Users—nothing added to script (no condition set—equivalent to all users allowed)
- Possible and important to separate rule from data values (best practice):
- User and group properties assign values for properties defined on the server
- Single rule: Limit column Region to values in the AllowedRegions user property assignments
- Assign group X the values North and South for AllowedRegions
- Assign group Y the values East and West for AllowedRegions
- Can also assign the special All Values (any decision based on limiting the property will always succeed)—see Assigning Default Property Values
Row-limiting rules are converted to expressions internally and then AND'ed together
You can write your own expressions to achieve a UNION access rule, such as:
The value Regions in the AllowedRegions property OR the value Products in the ManagedProducts property
The restrict-column tag is used to list columns with restrictions—so they are gone for all non-admin users
Restore access with a conditional rule (for user, group, or property)
Best practice is to avoid rules about specific users or groups—make the rules about properties so you can separate the rules from the data values—see Properties: Separating Access Control Rules from Data Values

- Data processing engine designed for in-memory use—see What's New for 7.0?
- Column-oriented data storage; no dimensions limit—see Spectre Overview
- Generate Spectre Build—input from text, cBase, or ODBC—see Creating cBases with Spectre Build Scripts
- Over 200 functions for in-memory calculations—see Alphabetized Functions for Spectre
- Syntax-Aware text editors—see Syntax-Aware Text Editor
- Spectre Expression editor—see Spectre Expressions Editor

- Spectre cBases can only exist in Workbench projects (7.x)
- Existing models can be used in the classic DiveLine Namespace
- Do you migrate everything or start with a single project?
- Side-by-side models and cBases
- Incremental approach
- Possible to leave models in DiveLine Namespace (or move to project and update access control)
- Clients like ProDiver and DivePort can access a combination of models and cBases
- Configure a Start Project to cope with multiple Projects

- Fix paths when moving Integrator scripts into a project (use project paths rather than system paths)—see Project Paths
- Rewrite any scripts (int, tnl, dsc) that use dependency expressions (that is #if...#endif)—see Visual Integrator Object Types
- Convert Builder objects to cBase Output—see Creating cBases with Visual Integrator Scripts
- Examine consolidated multimodels: Build single cBase when structurally the same—see What is a cBase?
- cBase data can be pulled back into your Integrator script with filtering applied—see VI cBase Input Object
- Differences to note and watch for are:
- All fields nullable in a cBase—see Null Values in Spectre
- Strict types in Spectre calc language—see Spectre Data Types
- Extra step to convert date numbers—see Date and Time Functions
- Custom calendars for periods—see About Spectre Calendars
- Data sorts differently—see cBase versus Model Sorting
- New filter functionality—see What is a QuickView Set?
- cBases lists columns alphabetically while classic model lists columns in the order in the INTEG OUTP object—see Dimensions and Categories
- Lookups can be done at build time (recommended) or in a dive—see Build Code Lookup Samples
- ProDiver cumulative columns used for rank behave differently with cBases than with Models—Using Cumulative Columns to Rank Values
- Create cPlans—see What is a cPlan?
- Can be simple: Referencing a single cBase—gives you a place to add calcs later without impacting markers
- Can be complex: Filter data set different ways (which years to include, which facilities), replaces sub-consolidation
- Multilevel also available in cPlans—see Multilevel cPlans
- Convert 6.4 DivePort portals to 7.0—see Converting DivePort 6.4 to to 7.x

- Create build scripts for Spectre Build—see What is a Spectre Build?
- Full control and more power compared to cBase Output object
- Build-time lookups
- Parallel building an option to maximize hardware usage
- Perform calcs, sorting, filtering
- Select subset of all diveable fields for ProDiver console
- Store interim data in cBase repositories (saves repeated text parsing)
- Concatenate cBases (last year’s cBase—unchanged—plus this year’s)

- Replace “use this Model” or “merge these Models” with “use this cPlan”
- Difficulty increases if markers refer to models directly rather than to a user DivePlan
- Use of search paths adds a complication
Originally intended to help move to client-server
Lazily put sales.mdl in a models directory; markers figure it out
Annoying when lots of search paths to check
Problematic when multiple matches, differing only by access control
Will need a single cBase, with access rules
Filtering in a cPlan using username/properties also possible, but complicates understanding of access control

- Evaluate and understand existing strategy—see DiveLine Security: 6.x versus 7.x
- Watch out for file and model-specific ACL rules
- Identify what property/value pairs are needed
- Write rules in terms of properties (best practice)
- Consider conditional rules if appropriate
- Assign property values in terms of groups
Decide if assignments will be managed in Workbench or externally

- Run through the testing plan:
- Automated and manual testing
- Verify that the results are the same for 6.4 and 7.x
- Developers to test back-end processing:
- Extracts, processing, cBase builds
- Successful nightly processing
- Users to test presentation side:
- ProDiver reports
- DIAL reports emailed
- DivePort page displays and functions