cPlan Tags
A Spectre cPlan script is defined using a cplan tag with optional tags between open and close { } braces. The tags are listed in alphabetical order, after the cplan tag, in the cPlan Tags and Loop Tags tables.
cPlan Tags
Tags | Examples | Notes |
cplan |
cplan { ... } cplan "/cbase/sales.cbase" { ... } |
Defines the block for the cPlan definition. The cPlan name is the same as the filename of the cPlan script. Optionally, the path to the cPlan can be named before adding more tags. If path is provided, no other input tags are allowed. The cPlan file pointed to by "path" is imported before anything else in this cplan block is considered. Parameters can be declared at this level. See the take-parameter tag. |
anchor | anchor `top(max(value("Order Date")))` |
Defines the anchor date in a time-series block. See Time Series Tags |
calc |
calc "Half of Sales" `sum(value("Sales"))/2` calc "Average Cases" `average(value("Cases"))` calc "Profit" format="$#,###;-$#,###" calc "Item Count" `dimcount(value("Item"))` calc "Accounts with Late Charges" `filter(dimcount("Account ID"), sum(value("Late Charge Amount")) > 0)` calc "Denial Rate All" `calc("All Denials")*100/calc("All CPTs")` calc "Most Recent City" `filter(info(value("City")), value("Period") = max(value("Period")) and value("City") != null)` calc "YearMoCalc" `any(period("standard", "year-month", value("Date") ))` format="YY MMM" calc "Quarter" `period("standard", "year-quarter", value("Date"))` |
Performs a computation on the data supplied by the data sources. In its simplest form, a calc is a name and an expression. See About Spectre Expressions. NOTES:
calc-set |
cplan { input "/common/basic.cbase" for "Color" "Red" "Green" "Blue" { calc "$(Color) Weight" `calc("Weight")` filter=`value("Color") = param("Color")` calc-set "Weights" } } |
Defines a set of calculations to reference by name. In this example, the calc-set Weights has three columns: Red Weight, Green Weight, and Blue Weight. Calc sets are used in Dives or times series to reference more columns. The columns in a time-series block can also be made into a calc-set. See cPlan Code Samples. |
calendar (7.0(35) and later) |
calendar "modified-standard" type="standard" { period "year-month" format="YYYY-MMM" } calendar "fiscal" type="custom" { cbase-input "fiscal.cbase" } calendar "fiscal" file="fiscal.calendar" |
Adds a calendar for the cPlan. The first example declaration reformats the standard display from YYYY/MM to YYYY-MMM. The second example creates a fiscal calendar from the indicated cBase. The last example builds the fiscal calendar from the named calendar text file. |
cbase-input |
cplan { cbase-input "sales.cbase" }
cplan { cbase-input "jan.cbase" "feb.cbase" }
cplan { multilevel { cbase-input "abc.cbase" cbase-input "def.cbase" ... } } |
Indicates the cBase file to use as a data source. In this example, rows from sales.cbase are used as the data source, and automatic summaries are generated to represent the columns. Automatic summaries generate add operations for numeric columns and info operations for string columns. The second example has two input cBase files that have the same structure. The third example merges two different inputs together. Dives that use this cPlan work on both inputs simultaneously, and can mix dimensions and summaries from both sides into one window. See Multilevel cPlans. Also, see the cplan-input, dive-input, odbc-input, and text-input tags for other input types. |
column | column "Column1" | Option for text-input or a lookup operation. |
consolidate |
cplan { consolidate { cbase-input "sales.cbase" cbase-input "deals.cbase" } } |
Consolidates two cBases on the fly. NOTE: In general, run-time consolidation of cBases is not recommended—instead, build a larger cBase or build more frequently. One clear exception is when using odbc-input for dynamic content. |
copy-properties-from |
calc "units_sold" `sum(value("Units"))` format="#,#" calc "max_units" `max(value("Units"))` { copy-properties-from "units_sold" } |
Copies properties from one calc to another. |
cplan-input |
cplan { cplan-input "nydata.cplan" }
cplan { cplan-input "sales.cplan" { pass-parameter "region" "south" } } |
Imports another cPlan. The outer cPlan is responsible for passing any parameters to the inner cPlan. See the pass-parameter tag. Also, see the cbase-input, dive-input, odbc-input, and text-input tags for other input types. NOTE: Input operations such as add, remove, and filter in cplan-input are deprecated. Operations should be in the cplan tag instead (or in the inputs of the inner cPlan such as cbase-input). |
custom-property |
custom-property "Abbreviation" "Dir" custom-property "Good Direction" "U" |
Refers to qualities of a calc or column that are not directly used by the system, but might be set by the user for reference and other purposes. Any property name can be used as a custom property. See also Spectre Properties. |
default-calendar (7.0(35) and later) |
default-calendar "offset november" default-calendar "modified-standard" |
Specifies a default calendar. The default calendar can be set to standard, offset <month>, iso 8601 or any declared calendar, including custom calendars. The default calendar is standard unless declared otherwise. |
delimiter | Option for text-input useful for csv files. | |
description | property description "YTD cPlan" |
Includes text information in the cPlan. |
dimension |
dimension "CustomerPhone" { property "Label" "Customer Phone" }
dimension "Order Month" `period("gregorian month", value("Order Date"))`
dimension "Age" { group "0-17" `value("Age")<18` group "18-44" `value("Age")>=18 and value("Age")<45` ... }
dimension "YearMo2" `period("gregorian month", value("Date") )` format="YY MMM"
dimension "Bucket" `integer(value("Qty")/100)` |
Adds properties to columns from data sources. When those columns are used as dimensions, the properties set with the dimension tag are part of the column properties. Use the dimension tag to change a label or format or to add named groups. If the dimension tag includes an expression, the name must be a new dimension name. These expression dimensions can include the suggested-dimension and sort-by tags. These match the attributes of the same names on the column and add tags in a Build file. Dimensions defined in cPlans using expressions are generated at dive time and can be used in a Dive window and in QuickViews. For more info, see What is an Expression Dimension? |
dive-input |
dive-input { dive { cplan { text-input "sales.txt" } window { dimension "product" column "Total Revenue" } } } |
Performs a dive and uses the result as the input. This is equivalent to the Integrator squash operation, creating a single record for a series of dimensions. |
drop-column |
input "/common/demo_drl.cbase" { drop-column "Revenue" } |
Drops the named column from the input. |
filter |
cplan { input "/common/demo_drl.cbase" { filter `is_in(value("Sales Region"), "Boston", "Southwest", "West")` } } cplan { input "/common/basic.cbase" calc "Red Weight" `calc("Weight")` filter `value("Color") = "Red"` } cplan { input "/cbases/denial_rates_canister.cbase" name="subset_denial_counts" { filter `param_match("Location")` filter `param_match("Rendering Provider")` rename "Denial Count" "Filtered Denials" } } |
Discards rows of the input that do not match a specified expression. This is an optional input operation that is run on each row of the input. NOTE: Multiple filters are combined with the AND operation. Use a single filter if AND/OR logic is required. For example: `filter `value("Make")="Jeep" or value("Group")="BMW Group"`. A filter can be part of a calc tag. A filter can use parameters. A filter can be part of an input block, or used elsewhere in the cPlan. TIP: The filter expression for a cPlan is the one system property for calcs that is not available for columns. |
for |
for "Color" "Red" "Green" "Blue" { calc "$(Color) Weight" `calc("Weight")` filter=`value("Color") = param("Color")` calc-set "Weights" } |
Loops through the values for the designated dimension while evaluating the calc. In this example, three new columns are calculated: Red Weight, Green Weight, and Blue Weight. See the Loop Tags table. |
format |
calc "Variable Cost per Case" `calc("Variable Costs")/calc("Cases")` format="$#,#" calc "Total Accounts" `dimcount(value("Account Number"))` format="#,###" calc "Opportunity Cost" `calc("GM ALOS") - calc("ALOS")` format="#.##" dimension "Datetime" label="Formatted" format="MMM D, YYYY ii:mm pp" |
Option for text-input. Formats the result of the expression. See also: |
group |
cplan { input "/common/basic.cbase" dimension "Direction" { group "Northeast" "North" "East" } } cplan { input "/common/basic.cbase" dimension "Mood" { group "Ends with y" `rsubstr(value("Mood"), 1, 1) = "y"` } } cplan { ... dimension "ExprDim" `"X" + value("Dim")` { group "Group" "XA" "XB" } } filter `group("ExprDim", "Group")` |
Defines multiple dimension values as a group by giving them a name.
headers | Option for text-input. | |
import-calcs |
cplan { input "/data/sales.cbase" import-calcs "/data/mthly-calcs.txt" } |
Imports externally defined calculations from a tab-delimited text file. See Parameter Examples. NOTES:
include-other-columns | Option for text-input. | |
input (Deprecated) |
cplan { input "sales.cbase" }
cplan { input "/cplans/basic.cbase" name="basic" input "/cplans/supplemetary.cbase" name="sup" } |
Provides the path to a cBase file to be used as a data source. IMPORTANT: This syntax is deprecated—use cbase-input instead. The first example indicates that rows from sales.cbase are used as a data source, and that automatic summaries are generated to represent the columns. Automatic summaries generate add operations for numeric columns and info operations for string columns. The second example merges two inputs together. IMPORTANT: This syntax is deprecated—use the multilevel tag instead. Dives that use this cPlan work on both inputs simultaneously and can mix dimensions and summaries from both sides into one window. See Multilevel cPlans. Also, see the cplan-input, dive-input, odbc-input, and text-input tags for other input types. |
input-format | column "Datetime" type="datetime" input-format="YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" |
Provides a string that indicates the data format. See also Text, cBase, and Dive Input Build Tags. |
key | key "Acct ID" "Acct ID" |
In a lookup block, names the lookup column on the input file (main key) and the column for the lookup table; the columns often have the exact same name. See lookup. |
keys-are-required-dimensions | keys-are-required-dimensions | Indicates that all columns brought in via the lookup are flagged as Infos off of the key dimension. This attribute is part of the lookup block. |
label | dimension "CustomerStreet" label="Customer Street" | Changes the display name for a column. |
limit-rows | Option for text-input. | |
lookup |
cplan { text-input "/data/address.txt" { lookup { text-input "location-master.txt" key "address code" "location code" column "Latitude" column "Longitude" } } } |
Links an additional data source to the primary data source. The lookup block can also include column operations. Lookups are most efficient when the desired columns are specified using the column tag. This is particularly true when there are multiple lookups defined for the cPlan. NOTE:
TIP: Lookups in cPlans make sense if the lookup tables change more frequently than the cBase. Consider if the same effect may be possible using a calc or an expression dimension, which scale better for large data sets. |
metadata |
cplan { metadata { cplan "xyz.cplan" } } |
Specifies the inner cPlan to extract data from. The following columns are available:
You can manipulate the created cPlan in the same ways as any other cPlan. |
multilevel |
cplan { multilevel { cbase-input "abc.cbase" cbase-input "def.cbase" ... } } |
Indicates a multilevel merge on multiple input files. NOTE: If consolidation of data sets is required, it should be done at build-time—listing multiple inputs in a Build script concatenates them together. With multiple inputs on a cPlan, dives are performed into each individually, before combining the results into a single table for display. |
name |
cbase-input "/cbases/denial_rates.cbase" name="full_data" { rename "Denial Count" "All Denials" }
Provides a name for the input that can be used downstream in expressions to reference that input. The name tag can be used with cbase-input, dive-input, odbc-input, and text-input. |
odbc-input |
cplan { odbc-input trim=false { dsn "MY-TestDB" password "testpw" user "testid" query "SELECT * FROM Stats;" stale-after 0 } } cplan { cbase-input "import_export.cbase" { lookup { odbc-input { dsn "Control Tables" query "select code description from Master" stale-after 60 } key "code" "code" column "description" } } } |
Indicates that a database is the data source. ODBC can be the primary input to the cPlan, or it can be used by a lookup within the cPlan. TIP: The odbc-input is equivalent to a tunnel script—you retrieve live data. Also, see the cbase-input, cplan-input, dive-input, and text-input tags for other input types. For more tags to use in the odbc-input block, see ODBC Input Build Tags. |
param_match |
take-parameter "Denial Category" selection=true { default-all-values } input "/cbases/denial_rates.cbase" name="subset_denial_counts" { filter `param_match("Denial Category")` } |
Matches on one or multiple parameter selections. |
pass-parameter |
// outer.cplan cplan { take-parameter "must_also_set" take-parameter "may_also_set" default="meh" cplan-input "inner.cplan" { pass-parameter "must_set" "so_i_will" } } |
Provides for parameters inside a cplan-input tag. NOTE: If a cPlan inherits from another cPlan using a path, the cPlan block can contain pass-parameter instructions for the cPlan referred to by the path but cannot contain take-parameter tags. |
property |
for "summary" "Qty Shipped" "Profit" { calc "$(summary) Y" { property "Label" `param("summary") + " " + "2014"` } calc "$(summary) Y Y-1" { property "Label" `param("summary") + " " + "2013"` } }
cplan { cbase-input "/cbases/lookup_days.cbase" calc "Tomorrow" { property "Format" "YYYY-MM-DD" property "Suggested Dimension" "False" } } |
Sets qualities of a column used by the system in performing calculations and interpreting results. The following system properties can be set in a cPlan:
Both calc and dimension blocks support:
See also Spectre Properties. |
quotes | Option for text-input. | |
range-key |
cplan { text-input "base.cbase" lookup { text-input "lookup.txt" range-key "Date" "Start Date" "End Date" key "Code" "Code" } output "result.cbase" } |
Performs lookups using the range-key tag to connect one or more of the key columns to pairs of range columns in the lookup. A range-key takes three arguments:
For a lookup row to match a main row, the main table's key value must be between the begin-range and end-range values, inclusively. The begin-range and end-range values can be null, in which case the range is open on either, or both, sides. NOTE: Regular lookup keys can be any type except for double. Range lookup keys can be any type except for string. |
remove |
cplan { cbase-input "/common/basic.cbase" remove "Direction" remove "Status" } |
Discards the specified column from the input. This is an optional input operation. Remove cannot be used with calcs. The remove does not need to be part of the input block in the cPlan. . |
rename |
cplan { cbase-input "/common/basic.cbase" { rename "Direction" "Path" } } cplan { cbase-input "demodata.cbase" { rename "customer zip" "zip code" } calc "Profit" `calc("Revenue") - calc("Cost")` } |
Changes the name of the column from the input—specify the old name, then the new. This is an optional input operation. The rename tag can only be used as part of an input block. |
required-dimension | replace "Sales Region" `value("Sales Region")` required-dimension="Company Name" |
Sets a column to behave like classic Info Fields. In ProDiver, this field is available as a column that you can add to other columns displayed in a dive. In this example, Sales Region becomes an Info Field on Company Name in the client console. |
stale-after |
odbc-input { dsn="Produce-dsn" query="select apples, berries from veggies" stale-after 60 } |
Sets a time limit in seconds after which a cache entry is considered stale. The lower the number, the more up-to-date the data is, with the cost of less caching and more load on the DiveLine server. Use the stale-after tag to ensure that cached dives that use the results of the odbc-input are refreshed as often as the query results, which are re-run every minute in this example. TIP: When an odbc-input does not specify a stale-after value, it is considered immediately stale and is not cached. |
suggested-dimension | column "Product Class" type="string" suggested-dimension=false | Promotes (true) or demotes (false) a column when defining an expression dimension:
summary | summary "Cost" | Indicates a summary for a time series. |
take-parameter |
cplan { take-parameter "Mood Filter" selection=true { default "Happy" "Dopey" } default-all-values } input "/common/basic.cbase" calc "Filtered Value" `calc("Value")` filter=`param_match("Mood Filter", "Mood") and param_match("Color Filter", "Color")` } |
Declares parameters that must be set to interpret the cPlan. |
text-input |
cplan { text-input "/data/month*.txt" } |
Specifies text files that should be immediately read and translated into a cBase as if those text inputs had been provided to a Build script. Wild cards are supported in the filename. You can use the same attributes with a text-input tag in a cPlan that you can use in a Build. See Text, cBase, and Dive Input Build Tags. Not all tags are available. TIP: Use text-input, similar to odbc-input, to base a cPlan on changing data. Also, see the cbase-input, cplan-input, dive-input, and odbc-input tags for other input types. |
time-series |
time-series { date "Order Date" anchor ‘date(“2004/06/04”)‘ summary "Units" ranges { year-to-date rolling-months 12 } variations { previous-year } } |
Generates a large number of time-based calcs. Time series calcs are generated by combining a date expression, an anchor expression, a list of summaries, a list of ranges, and a list of variations. This example generates the columns:
type |
cplan { metadata type="calcs" { cbase-input "Accounts.cbase" } } |
Indicates the type of metadata to retrieve. Options are:
See Spectre Properties. |
You can generate sets of calcs that share some commonality by using loops. Loops in a script reinterpret a calc multiple times while varying one or more parameters with each iteration. The body of each loop consists of a set of calcs, time series objects, or additional loops that run several times with a varying parameter. There are three types of loops.
Loop Tags
Tag | Example | Notes |
for |
for "p" "Weight" "Height" { calc "Minimum $(p)" `min(value(param("p")))` { calc-sets "$(p) Set" } calc "Maximum $(p)" `max(value(param("p")))` { calc-sets "$(p) Set" } calc "Average $(p)" `average(value(param("p")))` { calc-sets "$(p) Set" } calc "Median $(p)" `median(value(param("p")))` { calc-sets "$(p) Set" } } |
Abstracts common patterns. This example loops through the block for each value of "p". Creates min, max, average, and median calcs for both Weight and Height, and groups them into the calc sets "Weight Set" and "Height Set". |
for-file |
for-file "for_loop_parms.txt" "Name" "Definition" "Label" "Department" { calc "$(Name)" `eval(param("Definition"))` { property "Label" `param("Label")` user-property "Department" `param("Department")` } } |
Varies several parameters at once by reading them from a file. The file must be a tab-delimited text file, where the first line contains the name of each column, and each subsequent line contains a set of values for those names. In this snippet, the for-file loop is specified by giving the name of the file, then each column that should be made available as a parameter, and then the block of operations. TIP: The for-file block is similar to the for block but with externally located values. Useful for overriding the labels for existing calcs. |
for-pair |
for-pair "calc_name" "function" { in { "Total" "sum" "Minimum" "min" "Maximum" "max" } calc "$(calc_name)" `eval(param("function") + "(value(\\"Sales\\"))")` { calc-sets "Range Calc Set" } } |
Loops over two variables at once. Variables are listed after for-pair, and the in block holds the pairs over which to iterate. This example creates three calcs as follows: "Total" `sum(value("Sales"))` "Minimum" `min(value("Sales"))` "Maximum" `max(value("Sales"))` |
See also: