About Version Control

Workbench version control allows you to create versions of project files and later, if needed, restore files to an earlier version. This is a best practice when collaborating on large projects where multiple people might work on the same files. The ability to revert a project script to a previous revision can help track edits and correct mistakes.

When an initial commit is made, a repository of selected files is created within the project structure on the server. This repository is not visible within Workbench Explorer. Do not make changes directly within the file system folder as that might cause unpredictable results. You should always use the Version Control dialog boxes in Workbench to change settings or manage any file revision issues.

Certain file types and directories are Closedignored by default.

  • /cbases/*
  • /data/*
  • /logs/*
  • /models/*
  • /staging/*
  • /temp/*
  • *.cbase
  • *.cbase-tmp-*

  • *.mdl including all md* files (where * is 0–9) and mdc* continuation files

NOTE: All journal (*.jou), archive (*.archive), and log (*.log) files are ignored internally and do not display on the ignore patterns list.

NOTE: For projects created with release 7.0(31) or later, there is a new directory structure. The automatic default ignore patterns take this structure into account.

The automatic default patterns ensure that you do not include large or temporary files. See Default Folder Structure for information about the directory structure and which directories do and do not default to use version control. The additional ignore patterns are set when you choose to use the automated version control feature. For more information, see Automating Version Control.

You can edit or add to this list of ignored file types. See Managing Ignore Patterns for information about changing the ignore patterns.

You can access the version control commands as follows:

  • Tools > Version Control—Permits actions at the project level
  • Right-clickVersion Control—Permits actions at the file, folder, or project level
  • Tools > Project SettingsVersion Control—For an open project, permits adjustments to version control automation

TIP: You cannot include files from either project or system aliases in Workbench version control. For files from a project alias, use version control in the project where the file exists.

See also: