Access Control Model Sample

Model files that are not in a project but are in the 6.4 DiveLine namespace retain their ACLs as setup in DI-Config.

Access control for Models in a 7.x project, whether created new or aliased in, is defined in Workbench.

Access control for Models in Workbench projects could resemble the following script excerpt:

  model-access {

    // The class limit, for the "Managers" group only
    limit-dimension {
      if-group "Managers"
      dimension "Sales Region"
      values "South*" "Not-appearing-in-this-film" "North"

    // Same as $groups outside projects
    limit-dimension-by-groups {
      dimension "Product Family"

    // Same as $user outside projects
    limit-dimension-by-username {
      dimension "salesperson-uid"

    // New
    limit-dimension-by-property {
      dimension "Product Name"
      property "Products"
    restrict-columns "Revenue" "Profit" 
    allow-columns "Revenue" "Profit" {
      if-group "Managers"
    restrict-columns "Revenue" "Profit" 
    allow-columns "Revenue" "Profit" {
      if-property "Role" "Manager"
    restrict-columns "Revenue" "Profit" 
    allow-columns "Revenue" "Profit" {
      if-user "CEO"


NOTE: The delete-columns tag is deprecated; use the restrict-columns and allow-columns tags instead.

    // Deprecated 
    delete-columns "Cost" { if-user "someone" }
    delete-columns "Revenue" { if-group "group B" }
    delete-columns "Sensitive" { if-property "Sensitivity" "0" "1" "2" "3" }
    delete-columns "Units" {
      if-group "A group"


NOTE: Previous versions using Model ACLs for security could not OR conditions. Access control for 7.x projects and cBases supports the union of access control rules when using limit-rows-by-filter, which accepts an arbitrary Spectre expression to allow or disallow each row in a cBase.

See also: