Tab Code Sample
Here is a
code sample of an overview page that uses three tabs.
divetab version = "0.0" {
definitions {
elements {
grid id = "gddimensions" {
row "Product Name"
row "Customer Count"
row "Resp Team Count"
row "Resp SalesPerson Count"
grid id = "gddimcount" {
row {
text column = "Product Name Count"{
justification "left"
link {
page id = "rp-product"
row {
text column = "Customer Count" {
justification "left"
link {
page id = "rp-customer"
row {
text column = "Resp Team Count" {
justification "left"
row {
text column = "Resp SalesPerson Count" {
justification "left"
bar-chart id = "br-respteam" {
title "Bar Chart"
dimension "Resp Team"
bar column = "Cost"
hbar-chart id = "hbr-respteam" {
dimension "Resp Team"
bar column = "Cost"
line-chart id = "ln-respteam" {
title "Line Chart"
dimension "Resp Team"
line column = "Cost"
pie-chart id = "pc-respteam" {
title "Pie Chart"
dimension "Resp Team"
column column = "Cost"
bar-chart id = "br-yearmo" {
title "YearMo"
dimension "Posting Period"
bar column = "Cases"
table id = "tb-product" {
dimension "Product Name"
text column = "Cost"
text column = "Cases"
sort-column "Cases" reverse = true
first 20
table id = "tb-customer" {
dimension "Customer"
text column = "Cost"
text column = "Cases"
sort-column "Cases" reverse = true
first 20
data-area id = "NY Data" {
title "Tab Code Sample"
icon "/divetab/images/menu icons/14.png"
sections {
overview-page {
title "Overview"
cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan"
tab "Overview" {
screen {
layout {
vsplit {
spacer percent = 2
hsplit percent = 28 {
spacer percent = 30
box percent = 40 {
title "Dimcounts"
hsplit {
element id = "gddimensions" percent = 50
line percent = 1
element id = "gddimcount" percent = 49
spacer percent = 30
line percent = 2
hsplit percent = 68 {
spacer percent = 5
element id = "br-yearmo" percent = 90
spacer percent = 5
spacer percent = 2
tab "Charts" {
screen {
layout {
vsplit percent = 50 {
hsplit percent = 50 {
vsplit percent = 50 {
element id = "br-respteam"
vsplit percent = 50 {
element id = "ln-respteam"
hsplit percent = 50 {
vsplit percent = 50 {
box {
title "H Bar"
element id = "hbr-respteam"
vsplit percent = 50 {
element id = "pc-respteam"
tab "MiniTables" {
screen {
layout {
vsplit {
spacer percent = 2
hsplit percent = 98 {
spacer percent = 2
element id = "tb-product" percent = 46
line percent = 4
element id = "tb-customer" percent = 46
spacer percent = 2
pages {
report-page id = "rp-customer" {
title "Customer"
cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan"
dimension "Customer"
parameter "Customer"
parameter "Product Name"
text column = "Cases"
text column = "Cost"
report-page id = "rp-product" {
title "Product"
cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan"
dimension "Product Name"
parameter "Customer"
parameter "Product Name"
text column = "Cases"
text column = "Cost"
Here is the
result of the code in DiveTab, with the first tab, Overview, showing:
Here is the
overview page with the second tab, Charts, showing.
Here is the
overview page with the third tab, MiniTables, showing.
See also: