Tab Block Development Considerations
As you use a Tab block to develop your central or overview page, keep the following in mind:
- A central or overview page can contain multiple tab blocks and need to display at least one.
- When only one tab is used, the Tab bar does not display.
- Multiple tabs are spaced evenly in the bottom bar; names are condensed to fit.
- If there are six or fewer tabs, they spread out to occupy the entire length of the display
- If there are seven or more tabs, arrows appear on the left and right of the tab bar so you can scroll through them.
- There can be multiple screens within a tab block; one is required.
- A layout can contain only one element, but an element can contain multiple elements if the percent value is set for all but the last value. The last value can use a percent value, though it is not required.
- A vsplit tag can contain an element tag or an hsplit tag; an hsplit tag can contain an element tag or a vsplit tag.
- If an element is defined in the elements block, it is referenced using the element tag and the id name, not, for example, bar-chart id = "br-chart".
- Elements are automatically justified to the top and to the left.
- Lines and spacers are optional.
- Line percent value can be set, though it does not change the width of the line but rather the padding on the left side.
- Hsplit tags within a vsplit tag organize the contained elements from left to right. Vsplit tags within an hsplit tag organize the contained elements from top to bottom.
See also: