Adding an Analysis Portlet

When you add an analysis portlet to your Measure Factory project, an analysis portlet is automatically generated for every measure in the specified project. They display as pop-up click actions from tablular portlets and charts.


  1. Add a new page to the environment on which you want to add the analysis portlet:

    1. Click the SideBar icon to open the SideBar.

      Sample SideBar.

    2. On the SideBar, click Add page.

      The Add Page Closeddialog box opens.

      Add page dialog box.

      Add page dialog box.

    3. In the Name box, enter a name for the new page, set the Layout to Manual, and then click OK.

      The page is added to the environment. The toolbar is labeled with the name that you entered in the last step.

      New page.

  2. On the toolbar, click Edit to unlock the new page and enable edit mode.

    The Edit menu item is replaced with edit tools, including a page context menu chevron.

  3. On the page context menu, click Add a Portlet.
  4. On the Add Portlet page, double-click Analysis Portlet.

    The Edit Analysis Portlet, Select a factory project Closeddialog box opens. This is the first page of a portlet creation wizard.

  5. Select a Measure Factory project, and then click Next.

    The wizard advances to the Closednext page.

    Next page in the portlet creation wizard.

  6. Select an analysis portlet Style.

    • Default—Adds columns to the portlet, based on the tabular display.
    • Custom—Uses the cfg.factory file (measures block) to determine the columns that display.
    • NOTE: Existing custom analysis styles appear as other options in the Style list.
  7. If available, select an Assisted Analysis option:

    • Disabled
    • Enabled (Dive First)—The portlet initially opens in the standard dive mode.
    • Enabled (Analysis First)—The portlet initially opens in the analytics report mode.
  8. Edit the display settings as you like.
  9. Optional. Add one or more click actions to the portlet.
  10. Click OK.

TIP: Add a QuickView portlet to allow user to filter the values on the Analysis page.

Next: Add an Analysis click action to the portlet that you want the analysis click action to launch from. See Adding an Analysis Click Action to a Portlet.

For more information about the cfg.factory file, see Workbench Help.

See also: