QuickView Portlet Options

Example of an edit quickview portlet dialog box.


NOTE: The availability of options depend on your DivePort version as well as the Use QuickView Set, Find QuickViews in other Portlets and the Display Type settings.


Option Description

Use QuickView Set


Specifies that you are using QuickViews from a Spectre QuickView Set (qvset) file that was created in Workbench.

Selecting this option deactivates Find QuickViews in other portlets.

NOTE: This feature requires a Platform license.

Change Data Source icon

Change data source icon.

Click to open the Select a data source Closeddialog box, which you can use to browse to the Spectre QuickView Set that you want to use in the portlet.

Example of an Edit QuickView Portlet, Select a data source dialog box.

Find QuickViews in other portlets


Specifies that you are using QuickViews that are defined in other portlets on the page, typically marker, measure, or chart portlets. ClosedSelecting this option deactivates Use QuickView Set and enables the QuickViews list box.

Edit QuickView portlet dialog box with find Quickviews in other portlets selected.

Click Add a QuickView to open the QuickView Settings box, from which you can select available QuickView dimensions.

Display Type


Specifies the type of QuickViews that appear on the portlet. The following types are available:

  • Pulldown—Users can select a value from a pull-down list.
  • Picklist—Users can select one or more values from a scrollable list.
  • Combobox—Users can search for values by entering a string or selecting a value from a list.
  • Free-Entry—Users can enter their own values.
  • Calendar—Users can select a specific date on which to filter.



Specifies the number of columns that the QuickView portlet displays. The QuickViews are presented in a grid with this number of columns. The default is 4, as shown in this example.

Four column QuickView Portlet.

NOTE: One or both QuickView buttons (Reset and Go) take up a column space.

Pulldown Width (pixels) Available when the Display Type is set to Pulldown. Specifies the width of the pulldown list, in pixels. The default, auto, sets the width to fit the longest option in the pulldown list.
Picklist Width (pixels) Available when the Display Type is set to Picklist. Specifies the width of the picklist, in pixels. The default, auto, sets the width to fit the longest option in the first column of the picklist.
Picklist Rows Available when the Display Type is set to Picklist. Specifies the number of rows to display before a vertical scroll bar appears. The default is 10.
Picklist Columns Available when the Display Type is set to Picklist. Specifies the number of columns in the picklist. Set the number of rows to 1 and the number of columns to the number of available selections to create a horizontally aligned picklist.
Put Selected Items First Available when the Display Type is set to Picklist. Specifies that selected items appear at the top of the picklist.
Search Entire String Available when the Display Type is set to Combobox. Enables search strings to be matched against any text within possible values, instead of the leading characters only. This option is cleared by default.
Reset Button Available when Find QuickViews in other portlets is selected. Adds a Reset button to the portlet interface which resets all portlet QuickViews to the value saved in the marker, or the default value for a Free entry QuickView. If Share Selection With QuickView Portlets on Other Pages is also selected, clicking Reset changes all QuickView values in the entire portal to the value saved in the marker. This option is cleared by default.

Go Button


Available when Find QuickViews in other portlets is selected. Adds a Go button to the portlet interface to allow users to select multiple QuickViews before updating the page. Only one Go button is required on a page, even if the page contains multiple QuickView portlets. This option is cleared by default.


  • This option only works when the underlying QuickView has the Activate on Go option selected.
  • If the QuickViews are set to activate when Go is pressed, changing a QuickView disables the Print option as well as any click actions until Go is pressed. This ensures that the printed output or click action shows up-to-date data.
Share Selection With QuickView Portlets on Other Pages

Applies selections from QuickViews in this portlet to QuickView portlets on other pages in the portal. When a QuickView value is changed or reset, any QuickViews on other pages that are in QuickView portlets and correspond to the same dimension display the changed selection. This option is selected by default.



Available when Find QuickViews in other portlets is selected. Lists the QuickViews selected for inclusion in the portlet. Click Add a QuickView to open the QuickView Settings Closeddialog box, from which you can select from a list of available QuickView options.

Example of an edit QuickView Portlet, settings dialog box.

Time Range QuickViews

If you have a Measure Factory license and the factory configuration file includes a time series, the Time Range option is automatically included in the QuickViews list. Select this option to create a Time Range QuickView. This QuickView is populated with the rolling or to-date ranges specified in the configuration file. See also About Time Range QuickViews.

Measure QuickView

If you have a Measure Factory license, the Measure option is automatically included in the QuickViews list. Select this option to create a Measure QuickView. This QuickView is populated with a list of measures that you specify.

See also:

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