About Map Portlets

You can use map portlets to present geographical-based data over a map layer.


Example of a border map showing New England population by county,

Map portlets are generated using a cBase, cPlan, Spectre Dive file, tabular marker, or DivePlan. If you want to display a map graph that was created in ProDiver and saved as a marker, use a marker portlet instead of a map portlet.

NOTE: The procedure to create map portlets was redesigned in DivePort 7.0(26). This Help system describes the current version.

In DivePort 7.x, map portlets use GeoJSON format files (which are bundled inside diveport.war). If you have existing map files in a different format, you can use a utility such as ogr2ogr to convert the original shapefiles to GeoJSON format. For more information, see Converting a shapefile to GeoJSON format.pdf or contact DI Customer Support.

Optionally, users can zoom in and out, select or hide layers, and drag the map to see the geographic region of interest.

The Edit Map Portlet dialog box has an option to Lock map to position. If this option is selected, the Zoom in and Zoom out icons do not display on the map portlet.

Map view options.

Maps require geographical-formatted data. DI recommends that this is the top layer on the portlet. If you are using a tabular marker, ensure that the final dive includes the geographical data.

DivePort can display data as boundary maps, point maps, heat maps, hexbin maps, line maps, or a combination of these map types. Optionally, you can use a web map service.

  • Boundary maps use country, province, state, county, or postal code data. Predefined regions of the map are color-coded according to the data summarized over a region.
  • Point maps use longitude and latitude coordinates to show data points. Summarized data concentration is shown using color or sizing of the data points.
  • Heat maps use longitude and latitude coordinates to show data concentration using colors.
  • Line maps use longitude and latitude coordinates to show origin-destination data by drawing lines on a map.

NOTE: Column data that contains longitude and latitude coordinates must be formatted as <longitude> <latitude> and the dimension name must be longlat. For example:

Longlat column.

Placing the pointer on a map opens a Closedtooltip that shows details about the specific location and data value.

Tooltip showing details about data for Boston.

Map Portlet Base Layer

The map portlet base layer is the map itself. You can select one of the following sources for your base layer:

ClosedOpen Street Map (OSM)

Example of an Open Street Map.

ClosedThunderforest: Outdoors

Example of an Outdoors map.

ClosedThunderforest: Transport

Example of a transport map layer.

ClosedThunderforest: Open Cycle Map

Example of an open cycle map layer.

ClosedThunderforest: Neighbourhood

Example of a neighborhood map layer.

ClosedThunderforest: Mobile Atlas

Example of a mobile atlas map layer.

ClosedStamen: Toner

Example of a toner map layer.

ClosedStamen: Toner Lite

Example of a toner lite map layer.

In addition, you can create your own custom GeoJSON file using a browser-based tool such as geojson.io. Each polygon in your custom geoJSON file must have a property that serves as a unique identifier for that polygon and the DivePort source data for the map must have a column that contains the polygon identifiers. Save your custom GeoJSON files in the \webdata\<diveport>\customizations\map-data folder to ensure that it appears as a Closedgeometry source in the edit map portlet wizard.

Edit map portlet, select a geometry source dialog box.

NOTE: The use of Thunderforest base layers requires a Thunderforest API key. For more information, go to:


During an upgrade, in order for DivePort to be able to replace the map_data.dat file in the webdata directory, which is a local cache of map data downloaded from DiveLine, Tomcat must have permission to delete that file.

See also:

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