What is a Data Area?

A data area defines pages for presenting your data. A DiveTab module or script can include many different pages to help the DiveTab user to analyze the data. Each data page type displays specific types of information. Deciding on the pages to develop for an application depends on a variety of factors.

These include:

  • How data is displayed on the screen. Data can be displayed in:

    • A traditional tabular format.
    • A customizable free-form layout.
  • The level of detail to display. Data can be displayed at a high level or at a detailed level.

Data areas can have two types of blocks:

  • A sections block defines pages that are presented to the DiveTab user under the Sections menu in the DiveTab client. Data pages in the sections block do not need ids because they cannot be linked.
  • A pages block defines pages that are cross referenced by other data pages in the script. Data pages in the pages block can only be accessed via links from the sections block.

Both of these blocks are defined within the same data-area, which allows for sections and pages to communicate.

Use a definitions block at the top of your script to make developing data areas more efficient.

NOTE: Using a cbase-input attribute within a cplan attribute does not work with divetab files.

See also: