Model Access Tab
The Model Access sub-tab of the access tab allows you to set Row-Based and Column-Based access rules for your Workbench project.
In the Row-Based Rules table, you can set the Limit Type. Possible settings are:
- Limit Dimension By Values
- Limit Dimensions By Groups Column
- Limit Dimensions By Property Value
- Limit Dimension By User Column
In the Column-Based Rules section, you first restrict columns and then set rules that allow some users to see these restricted columns.
NOTE: You can use only one Restricted Columns rule within a model access rule set but the restricted columns can have multiple columns listed. Multiple Allow Columns rules are allowed so you can allow access to restricted columns for specific users, groups, or those with a certain property and value(s) applied.
To set model access:
Click the plus sign (
) to add a rule row to the Row-Based Rules or Column-Based Rules tables.
Set the Condition and Condition Details, which define who the rule applies to.
In the Row-Based Rules section, set any limit dimension by rules.
In the Column-Based Rules section, choose which columns to restrict. See Using the Restrict Column Editor.
In the Allow Columns table, set rules to allow some users or groups access to those restricted columns.
Save the tab.