Updating Production Extensions

You can update the contents of a Production Extension after it is created.

It is a best practice to develop and store your code for extensions outside of Workbench, organized so that you can easily find the original source if you want to update it or install it to another DiveLine server.

If you want to make edits to an existing extension, you must do so in the original script file and then re-install it to the DiveLine server with Workbench. Increment the Version number and document the changes in the comments section.

To update an existing pre file, first make a backup copy of the pre file. Then, proceed as follows:

  • Select Tools > Extension Editor.

    The Edit Production Extension dialog box displays.

  • In the lower-right corner, click Open.

    The Open dialog box displays the list of extensions.

  • Select the pre file to update and click Open.

    The extension displays in the Edit Production Extension dialog box.

  • Make the edits, for example, select a new version of the key script.

  • Increment the Version number and update the description.

  • Click Save in the lower-right corner.

    The Save As dialog box displays.

  • Save the new pre file somewhere on your disk—you might want to include the version number in the file name.

Updating the extension on the server is the same as installing a new extension. See Installing Production Extensions.


If you incremented the Version number of the extension, the installation completes silently.

If you did not increment the Version number of the extension, a warning dialog displays:

"A newer or the same version of the extension with GUID XXXXXXXXXX is already installed.
Do you wish to force installation?"
Click Yes to replace the extension.

Either way, after installing the updated extension, all Production scripts automatically use the new version of the extension.

Keeping Multiple Versions of a Production Extension

If you make changes to your source script and recreate the Production extension with the original name, Workbench installs it beside the existing extension. Workbench shows two extensions with the same name, but they have unique GUIDs. Production scripts using the old version of the extension continue to use that old version, because the script references the original GUID. In order to use the new version of the extension, delete the extension node in the script and create a new node with the new extension.