Using an Ad Hoc Page

Depending on how an ad hoc page is configured, there are several ways the DiveTab user can explore the data. These options include opening a central page, switching dimensions, adding MultiColumns, diving on data values, and editing placement and inclusion of dimensions.

NOTE: Since the interface is different for PC and iPad usage, screenshots from each device are included.

Keep the following points in mind while exploring an ad hoc page:

  • Selecting a dive dimension or link cell passes the main dimension, as well as the MultiColumns, as parameters.
  • When MultiColumned, the dimension appears to the right of the primary dimension but to the left of any dive dimensions. MultiColumned dimensions appear in the order in which they were converted to MultiColumns, unless reordered as noted below.
  • The order of dive dimension columns is the order of dimensions specified in the configuration and, when removed as a MultiColumn, returns to its previous location.
  • When you switch dimensions, the dimension changes to the opposite dimension type. For example, a MultiColumn is changed to a dive dimension, and a dive dimension is changed to a MultiColumn.
  • Returning directly to an ad hoc page from a linked target page or a dive on a dive dimension returns you to the same configuration done during your session.
  • Sorting is reset when a column is switched.

See also: