Editing Scripts

As you start to work with and develop divetab scripts for data areas, be aware of the following:

  • The syntax is color-coded and the editor is grammar-aware.

    Color Coding in Text Editor

  • You can copy and paste from scripts open in other projects, on the same or other servers.
  • You can copy and paste code snippets from this Help.
  • You can Closedcollapse and expand blocks of code.

    Expanded Code Blocks
    Collapsed Code Blocks

  • The right-click Closedcontext menu supports nine helpful functions.

    DiveTab Script Context Menu

    Particularly helpful are Comment selection and Uncomment selection as you add and test incremental changes to your script.

  • As you type, Closedunexpected tags are flagged.

    Syntax Warning Sample

    Point to the flagged tags to display the warning message.

  • With the cursor positioned in a code block, Ctrl+space provides Closedpotential tags based on the context.

    Syntax prompt with appropriate tags for the code block.

See also: