Creating Sections

Data Areas require the use of a sections blockā€”the initial page must be included here. This block can include ad hoc, cross, dive, overview, and report pages. An overview page type can only be included in a sections block. When multiple data pages are included in the sections block, the Sections button can be used in the client to access the pages.

IMPORTANT: You cannot link to a data-area in the sections block.

To create a sections block.

  1. In Workbench, open the divetab script for a data-area you want to work on.
  2. Locate the data-area in the script. Here is Closedan example of where the sections block would be added.

    Example of where a Sections block is in Workbench.

  3. Within this block, enter the following code:

      sections { 
  4. Enter the information for your data pages between the open { and close } braces.

NOTE: A sections block is created automatically when a new data area is created from a menu or a new divetab file.

See also: