Sections Code Block
Here is a high level view of the basic syntax of a sections block:
sections { <page-type> { <page-details> } }
- Ad hoc, cross, dive, overview, and report pages can be used in both sections and pages blocks.
Data pages in the sections block cannot be linked to. This means they do not require an id tag.
- Central pages can only be used in pages blocks. They do not need to be referenced because they are generated automatically.
Here is a high level view of a sections block using multiple pages.
sections { <page-type> { <page-details> } <page-type> { <page-details> } <page-type> { <page-details> } }
See also:
- What is a Sections Block?
- Creating Sections
- Sections Code Sample
- Sections Tags
- What is a Pages Block?