Pages Code Samples
Below are examples of how a Pages block can be used in DiveTab. Data pages that are explicitly linked to, or central pages with their automatic linking, are included in a Pages Block.
IMPORTANT: You can link to a data-area in the pages block from another data-area. Links to a central page are created automatically.
The following code is used in defining an overview page. The column for the hbar-chart includes a link to a report page.
divetab version = "0.0" { data-area id = "data-area-1" { title "Pages" icon "/divetab/images/Document288.png" sections { overview-page { title "Overview" cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" tab { screen { layout { vsplit { hsplit { box { title "Cases by Corporate Product Group" hbar-chart { dimension "Corporate Product Group" bar column = "Cases" { link { page id = "rp-customer" } } sort-column "Cases" hide-legend } } } } } } } } } pages { report-page id = "rp-customer" { title "Customer" cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" dimension "Corporate Supplier" dimension "Customer" parameter "Corporate Product Group" text column = "Cost" text column = "Cases" } } } }
Here is the result of the code in DiveTab.
Here is the resulting page when the link for the bar-chart value, Wine, is followed.
Here is a customized example of an overview page using central pages.
divetab version = "0.0" { definitions { elements { grid id = "gddimensions" { row row "Product Name" row "Customer Count" } grid id = "gddimcount" { row row { text column = "Product Name Count"{ justification "left" link { page id = "rp-product" } } } row { text column = "Customer Count" { justification "left" link { page id = "rp-customer" } } } } bar-chart id = "br-yearmo" { title "YearMo" dimension "Posting Period" bar column = "Cases" } table id = "tb-product" { dimension "Product Name" text column = "Cost" { value-format "$#,###.00" } sort-column "Cost" reverse = true first 20 } table id = "tb-customer" { dimension "Customer" text column = "Cost" { value-format "$#,###.00" } sort-column "Cost" reverse = true first 20 } } } data-area id = "data-area-1" { title "Pages Sample" icon "/divetab/images/trends.png" sections { overview-page { title "Overview" cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" tab { screen { layout { vsplit { hsplit percent = 3 hsplit percent = 97 { spacer percent = 2 element id = "tb-product" percent = 46 line percent = 4 element id = "tb-customer" percent = 46 spacer percent = 2 } } } } } } } pages { report-page id = "rp-customer" { title "Customer" cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" dimension "Customer" parameter "Customer" parameter "Product Name" text column = "Cases" text column = "Cost" } report-page id = "rp-product" { title "Product" cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" dimension "Product Name" parameter "Customer" parameter "Product Name" parameter "Corporate Chain" parameter "Corporate Brand" text column = "Cases" text column = "Cost" } central-page { dimension "Customer" dimension "Product Name" parameter "Customer" parameter "Product Name" cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" tab { screen { layout { vsplit { hsplit percent = 25 { spacer percent = 10 line percent = 1 element id = "gddimensions" percent = 20 line percent = 1 element id = "gddimcount" percent = 30 } line percent = 5 hsplit percent = 70 { spacer percent = 10 element id = "br-yearmo" percent = 80 spacer percent = 10 } } } } } } } } }
Here is the result of the code in DiveTab.
Here is the resulting central page linked from dimension Customer value YORKVILLE INN.
See also: