Box Code Samples

Here is an example of an overview page that uses two boxes.

  overview-page { 
    title "Box Samples - Overview" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
    tab "Box" { 
      screen { 
        layout { 
          vsplit { 
            hsplit percent = 100 { 
              spacer percent = 1 
              box percent = 50 { 
                title "Product Cost" 
                element id = "tb-product-color" 
              spacer percent = 2 
              element id = "pc-product" percent = 46
              spacer percent = 1 
    elements { 
      table id = "tb-product-color" { 
        dimension "Product Name" 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 
          high-color "00BF5E" 
          low-color "C53737" 
          threshold-value column = "Cost" 
          low-threshold 2000 
          high-threshold 5000 
        sort-column "Cost" reverse = true 
        first 21 
      pie-chart id = "pc-product" { 
        title "Resp Team Cost Chart" 
        dimension "Resp Team" 
        column column = "Cost" 

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab.

Example of an Overview Page with two box elements

Here is an example of another overview page that uses one box, and contains three elements: an hbar chart, a table, and an image.

  overview-page { 
    title "Overview" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
    tab "H Bar Chart" { 
      screen { 
        layout { 
          vsplit { 
            hsplit { 
              element id = "box" 
    elements { 
      box id = "box" { 
        title "Resp Team" 
        vsplit { 
          hsplit percent = 50 {
            hbar-chart percent = 100 { 
              dimension "Resp Team" 
              bar column = "Cost" 
              bar column = "Net Sales" 
          hsplit percent = 50 { 
            table percent = 80 { 
              dimension "Resp Salesperson" 
              text column = "Cost" { 
                value-format "$#,###.00" 
              text column = "Net Sales" { 
                value-format "$#,###.00" 
            image percent = 20 { 
              path "/divetab/images/menu icons/22.png" 

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab.

Example of an Overview Page with one box element

By containing an hbar-chart within a box element, it is possible to apply a titleā€”an hbar-chart does not have a title otherwise.

See also: