What is an Expand Set?

An expand set is a series of expand columns that can be reused within a data-area for report, ad hoc, and dive pages.

Expand columns are columns that are initially hidden in the client. You can include more than one expand column. When viewed in the client, you can only see one expand column at a time.

NOTE: Expand columns cannot be nested. For example, an expand column cannot contain an expand column.

Here is how Closedexpand columns initially appear in DiveTab.

Example of Report page with collapsed expand set

Notice that only one summary column appears; the expand-set is contained within this column. Select the heading to bring up the context menu. The context menu contains an Expand option for the named expand; in this example, it is Statistics.

Here is the Closedcontext menu for expand column Cases.

Example of a Report page with expand set column context menu

Here is the result Closedwhen the Statistics is expanded.

Example of a Report page with expand set expanded

Using expand columns in an expand set allows for the set to be reused throughout the script by providing an id tag that can be referenced.

Here is how the report page Closedappears in the script.

  definitions { 
    expand-set id = "es-1" { 
      expand "Statistics" { 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 
        text column = "Net Sales" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 
  data-area id = "data-area-1" { 
    title "Expand Set" 
    icon "/divetab/images/trends.png" 
    sections { 
      report-page { 
        title "Expand Set" 
        cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" 
        dimension "Resp Team" 
        text column = "Cases" { 
          expand-set id = "es-1" 

The code could also Closeduse column-sets to get the same report page.

  definitions { 
    expand-set id = "es-1" { 
      expand "Statistics" { 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 
        text column = "Net Sales" { 
          value-format "$#,###.00" 
    column-set id = "cs-1" { 
      text column = "Cases" { 
        expand-set id = "es-1" 
  data-area id = "data-area-1" { 
    title "Expand Set" 
    icon "/divetab/images/trends.png" 
    sections { 
      report-page { 
        title "Expand Set" 
        cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" 
        dimension "Resp Team" 
        column-set id = "cs-1" 

See also: