About Working with DivePlans

A DivePlan is a template for viewing information in a model or models, cBase, or cPlan. After developers build a model or cBase, they use DivePlan functionality to tailor the columnar structure to the needs of the user audience.

Because models and cBases typically contain a great deal of data, DivePlans filter the information that is relevant to a specific business function. The DivePlan is a structured view that you impose on the data to simplify access and to optimize user results when they dive into the data using a front-end client like ProDiver.

The topics that follow discuss some of the concepts and functionality that you need to understand before you begin to build and configure a DivePlan:

  • Understanding the relationship between dimensions and categories
  • Understanding how columns align with models
  • Identifying why you might want to modify column names
  • Knowing how to configure categories using context menu options
  • Knowing how to rename or remove columns
  • Creating different types of DivePlans
  • Creating lookup files and promoting Info Fields to dynamic dimensions

NOTE: A DivePlan for a cBase or cPlan does not support all of the DivePlan functionality that is available for models. For example, MultiModel DivePlans do not support cBases or cPlans.

See also:

DiveMaster Overview