About Context Menu Options

DiveMaster software is designed for a developer audience. DiveMaster does not have a typical menu structure. In its place, DiveMaster has a start page that consists of mostly columnar information that can be configured using context-sensitive menus.

To manipulate what and how end users view the data contained in models, DivePlans, cPlans, and cBases, developers use the DiveMaster context menu options, keyboard controls, and drag and drop capabilities. This topic describes the context menus that are available in DiveMaster.

In the following graphic, the Models section of a consolidated DivePlan contains three models and a nested DivePlan.

Notice that the three context menus contain mostly common options, but, depending on the file type, there are different options that are unique to that file type. For example, the context menu for the nested DivePlan (#3) does not contain the Alias column names option, but it does have the Open nested DivePlan in new window option.

The following table describes the context menu options available in the Models container:

Option Description Keyboard Equivalent
Add model

Opens the Open File dialog box

Delete Deletes the selected file Del
Refresh Updates the selected file with any new data Ctrl+Shift+R
Edit Enables editing of the file name


Alias column names Opens the Column Alias dialog box where you can change the column name or remove the column from the DivePlan; the alias pull-down list shows available columns of the same type


Open nested DivePlan in new window

Opens a new tab in DiveMaster containing the nested DivePlan

Move down

Moves the selected file down one position


Move up

Moves the selected file up one position  
Sort models by name

Sort files listed in the DivePlan alphabetically by name (A to Z)

Reverse sort models by name

Sort files listed in the DivePlan in reverse alphabetic order by name (Z to A)

Sort models by alias

Sort files listed in the DivePlan alphabetically by alias name (A to Z)

Reverse sort models by alias

Sort files listed in the DivePlan in reverse alphabetic order by alias name (Z to A)


With the context menu options in the Elements section of the DiveMaster start page, you can create, modify, move, and delete categories. What options appear in the context menu depend on the context and action that you want to perform on the page. For example, DiveMaster Closeddisplays a context menu when you right-click the Categories folder, which is the first level in the DiveMaster console hierarchy.

The following table describes the context menu options available at the first level of the console:

Option Description

Keyboard Equivalent

Add category Adds new folder entitled new_category


Expand all

Expands all category folders exposing underlying dimensions

Collapse all

Closes all category folders hiding the underlying dimensions


DiveMaster displays a different context menu when you Closedright-click the name of a category folder at the second level in the console hierarchy.

The following table describes the context menu options available at the second level of the console:



Keyboard Equivalent
Add category Adds new folder entitled new_category Ctrl+Insert
Delete category Deletes the category including its dimensions


Edit category name Places the category name in edit mode


Move up Moves the category and its dimensions up one position


Move down Moves the category and its dimensions down one position


Expand all

Expands all category folders exposing underlying dimensions

Collapse all

Closes all category folders hiding the underlying dimensions

Sort items alphabetically

Sorts dimensions stored in a category folder in alphabetical order by name


In addition to a category folder context menu, Closeditems within the folder, for example, dimensions and Info Fields, have their own context menu:

The following table describes the context menu options available at the item level of the console:



Keyboard Equivalent
Add category Adds new folder entitled new_category Ctrl+Insert
Delete item Deletes the category item Del
Move down Moves the category item down one position


Move up Moves the category item up one position


Move to category above Moves the selected item to the category above


Move to category below Moves the selected item to the category below


Additionally, ClosedDiveMaster displays a context menu when you select and right-click anywhere in the Uncategorized/All columns section of the start page.

The following table describes the context menu options available in the Uncategorized/All columns section:


Description Keyboard Equivalent
Add to selected category

Adds the column to an already selected console category folder.


Add to removed columns Moves the column to the Removed Columns folder. Columns in this folder do not load when you open the DivePlan in a Diver client. Del
Edit name Places the column name in Edit mode. F2
Edit lookup file

Opens the Lookup File dialog box.

Edit named group lookup file

Opens the Named Group Lookup File dialog box.

Set all Info Fields as dynamic dimensions

Adds a check to the DD box for all eligible items and promotes all Info Fields to dynamic dimensions.

Unset all Info Fields as dynamic dimensions

Demotes all Info Fields promoted to dynamic dimensions.


If you already have a category selected in the console, then selecting Add to selected category adds the dimension to that category and reduces the Uncategorized column count by one.

See also:

Dimensions and Categories