Using the Task Flow Panel

The task flow panel is a canvas where nodes are placed and connected to create a process flow for manipulating the data.

Production Task Flow Panel

When you create a production script, as shown in Creating a Production Script, the Production Script opens with the required Start node on the task flow panel.

New Production Script

Adding Nodes

There are several ways to place and connect nodes on the task flow panel:

  • Right-click an existing node and use the context menu to select the next node; that is, right-click and select New Object after this > Process/Control > Node Type. This connects the new node to the existing node.
  • Click a node on the tool palette. This connects the new node to the currently selected node on the task flow. If no node is selected on the task flow, a single click on a node on the tool palette places the node on the task flow without connections.
  • Use a drag-and-drop operation from the tool palette to the task flow panel. Drop the node onto an existing node to connect the two nodes; otherwise, the new node is placed on the task flow without connections.
  • Use a drag-and-drop operation on an Integrator script from the Explorer pane. This creates a new Integ node. Drop the script onto an existing node to connect the two nodes; otherwise, the new node is placed on the task flow without connections.
  • Use a drag-and-drop operation on a Build script from the Explorer pane. This creates a new Build cBase node. Drop the script onto an existing node to connect the two nodes; otherwise, the new node is placed on the task flow without connections.
  • Use the Create Node dialog box by clicking the Add Node toolbar button (green plus sign icon). Supply the following:
    • Name—Enter a name for the node. If left blank, the name auto-populates with the name chosen in Type.
    • Type—Select a node from the Type drop-down list. A brief description of the node type displays in the information box.
    • Preceding Node—Select the node to connect the new node to by using the Node pull-down list. The node defaults to the currently selected node, if one is selected. Select the connection type for Connect upon: Success, Failure, or Unattached.
      Depending on the Connect upon type, the new node is placed on the task flow and attached to the previous and next nodes if they exist.

See specific node topics in the Process Nodes and Control Nodes folders in the Help table of contents.

Naming Nodes

As you add nodes, you are presented with the opportunity to provide a name. Production provides a default name based on the node type appended with a number, for example, Integ-1. If another Integ node is placed using defaults, the name is incremented to Integ-2 . It is best practice to provide a meaningful name as you create nodes. You can always rename a node by right-clicking it and selecting Rename.

NOTE: In Workbench 7.0(54) and later, naming or renaming a node trims all leading and trailing spaces in the name. Nodes with blank names or names with all spaces are not supported. Nodes that you created with leading or trailing spaces prior to this version retain the spaces in the name until the node is renamed.

Connecting Nodes

Each node has various types of connection points that become visible when you place your pointer on them.

All process nodes (square shaped) and some control nodes (circle shaped), such as Wait and Loop, have three common connection points:

  • Input—Connects with the previous node (left side)
  • Success—Connects to the next node upon success (right side)
  • Failure—Connects to the next node upon failure (bottom)

Example Process Node Connections

Control nodes have additional connection points specific to the node type:

  • Conditional—Supports multiple next connections based on conditions. See Conditional Control Node.
  • Loop—Requires setting the Loop Start and Loop Return connections. See Loop Control Node.
  • Fork—Supports multiple next connections to run simultaneous branches. See Fork Control Node.
  • Wait—Supports multiple inputs based on the number of simultaneous branches set in the corresponding Fork node. See Wait Control Node.

NOTE: The Start and End nodes allow only one connection point.

Most methods to add nodes result in automatic connections between nodes. To manually work with connection lines, keep the following in mind:

  • To remove a connection line, select it and press Delete.

  • To connect two nodes, click the Success or Failure connection point of one node and drag it to the Input connection of the next.

    NOTE: Failure node connections use a dashed line.

  • Some control nodes support multiple connections. You can draw as many lines to or from these nodes as required.

See also:

Mentioned in: