Adding a Multi-Select CrossLink Click Action

Before you add a multi-select CrossLink click action, both portlets that you are linking must be created on the page. The target portlet must have the ability to make multiple selections at once, for example using a pick-list QuickView or a tunnel script.

The link is established as a portlet instance setting on the target portlet, and you must know the portlet ID of the portlet that you are adding the click action to.

Next, add a Multi-Select CrossLink click action to a marker or measures portlet:

  1. Browse to the page that contains the portlet to which you want to add a click action.
  2. On the DivePort toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enable edit mode.
  3. Right-click the portlet that you want to edit, and then on the context menu, click Edit.

    The Edit <Specific> Portlet page opens.

  4. On the bottom of the page, click Click Actions.

    The Click Actions Closed dialog box opens, displaying a list of existing click actions.

    Example of a click actions dialog box, showing the location of the add option.

  5. Click Add.

    The Edit Click Action Closed dialog box opens.

  6. In the Type box, select Multi-Select CrossLink.

    The Edit Click Action Closeddialog box changes to display Multi-Select CrossLink options.

    Edit Click Action dialog box showing Multi-Select CrossLink options.

  7. If you want something other than CrossLink to display in the click action trigger button, enter a name in the Label box.
  8. If you are adding the click action to a measures portlet, and you want to add a Closedselection check box to each row, select Add a checkbox column for selection, and optionally, Add a checkbox for selecting all.

    An example of a measures portlet with a multi-select cross link click action and selection checkboxes.

  9. If you want to specify a condition that must be met before the click action is available, select the Conditional check box, and define the necessary condition.
  10. Click OK to close the Edit Click Action dialog box.

    The new Multi-Select CrossLink click action is added to the Click Actions list.

  11. If this is the only click action on the list, and you want the target page to display immediately when the click action is triggered, select Skip the menu when there is only one action.
  12. Click OK to close the Click Actions dialog box.

  13. Click OK to close the Edit Portlet dialog box.

  14. On the toolbar, click Save to exit edit mode and lock the page.

See also: