DivePort Portal-Level Settings

The topmost level of the DivePort hierarchy is the portal level. This is where site-wide actions are performed and site-wide settings are maintained.

To access these portal-level actions and settings, on the portal title bar, select ADMIN > Portal Settings.

The Admin Menu.

The Portal Settings Closeddialog box opens.

The DivePort 7.2 My Library portal settings.

NOTE: An asterisk in the Portal Settings Property column indicates that the property Value has changed from the default.

Portal Settings showing an asterisk to indicate that the Title value was changed from the default.

Property Description



The title of the DivePort portal, also used as the browser title. It is displayed in the portal Closedtitle bar.



Defines the look and feel or your portal. DivePort provides several preconfigured skins composed of complementary colors. You can also add customized skins.

NOTE: Skins can also be set at the environment level. When this occurs, the environment skin setting overrides this portal setting.

Logo URL


The web server address of the directory and filename of the logo file used on the title bar of this portal. If nothing is specified, the default Dimensional Insight Closedlogo and label displays.

Dimensional Insight logo and label.

NOTE: The URL path is case-sensitive. To omit the logo display, enter a space in this Logo URL text box.

Logo Size The display size for the specified logo, in pixels. Set this value in the format width height. The default, auto, sizes the image to fit in the title bar.
Locale Defines the primary language for user interface elements displayed by the DivePort application administrative functions. For example, menus, tooltips, dialog box headings, prompts, and error messages.

NetDiver URL


The URL that you would enter if you were connecting to NetDiver in your web browser. For example:




NOTE: If NetDiver and DivePort share the same server, enter /<netdiver>.

DiveTab URL


The URL that you would enter if you were connecting to a DiveTab instance from the PC or iPad client. For example:



NOTE: Be sure that the you have installed the most recent version of DiveTab.

SideBar Display


Defines the appearance of items in the SideBar.

The Compact setting displays the current parent/child pages (default).

The TreeView setting shows sibling pages as well as multiple parent/child pages on a simplified interface.

NOTE: When you navigate to a top-level page with content, by default, the new page starts with the SideBar closed. In all other cases, the page opens with the SideBar open. See SideBar Appearance.

Default Interface


Defines the user interface that the portal displays.

Options are Simplified and Classic.

Chart Animations


Specifies a duration in milliseconds, for chart portlets and stamp portlets to draw a chart from left to right. The default is no animation. If you use the animation feature, DI recommends setting a value of 1000.

NOTE: Chart animations duration can also be set at the environment level. When this occurs, the environment level setting overrides this portal setting.

Session Timeout


Specifies the maximum duration that the portal can remain idle before the DiveLine server ends the connection. In DivePort, this is a read-only setting.

NOTE: The session timeout value (disconnect idle) is set in Workbench under User Management.

DiveLine Server


Displays information about the DiveLine server in the format:

<admin userid>@<servername>:<port> v7. 1 (n)

In DivePort, this is a read-only setting.

NOTE: If you have multiple instances of DiveLine and DivePort running, this property provides a way to identify which DiveLine is controlling the currently open portal.

Web Server


Displays the current version of Tomcat and alerts you if an update is due. Click the alert to view more information.

NOTE: After upgrading DivePort, DI recommends that you inspect the Tomcat version to ensure that it is supported.



Displays the current version of Java and alerts you if an update is due. Click the alert to view more information.

NOTE: After upgrading DivePort, DI recommends that you inspect the Java version to ensure that it is supported.

Thunderforest API Key Stores an access key provided by Thunderforest mapping service.

DI-Production Logon Script


Specifies a Production script to execute when the user logs on to the portal.

NOTE: To use this setting, you must be running Workbench, and the path to the script must include the project name.

DI-Production Logoff Script


Specifies a Production script to execute when the user logs off from the portal. The configuration varies, depending on your license.

NOTE: To use this setting, you must be running Workbench, and the path to the script must include the project name.

Disable Printing


When set to Yes, disables PDF click actions and the Print toolbar option.

NOTE: If printing is not needed for your site, DI recommends that you set this option to Yes.

HTML Print Header


Available in DivePort 7.1(26) and later. Specifies HTML to add as a header to printed DivePort output. Applies to print-page PDF output, and Measures Portlet PDF output. Does not apply to Marker portlets.

NOTE: This option does not apply to marker portlets.

HTML Print Header Height (mm)


Available in DivePort 7.1(26) and later. Specifies the distance in millimeters, from the bottom of the text to the top of the page in printed DivePort output. The default is 10.

NOTE: This option does not apply to Marker portlets.

Text Print Footer


Specifies text to add as a footer to printed DivePort output. Applies to Marker Portlet Report and Tabular PDF and XLS output, in print-page XLS output, and in Measures Portlet XLS output.
HTML Print Footer Specifies HTML to add as a footer to printed DivePort output. Applies to print-page PDF output, and in Measures Portlet PDF output.
HTML Print Footer Height (mm) Specifies the distance in millimeters, from the top of the text to the bottom of the page in printed DivePort output. The default is 10.

See also:

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