Link Portlet Options

Property Description
Link Name Specifies the link label that displays on the DivePort page.
Link URL

Specifies the URL of the page that opens when the link is clicked.

NOTE: When you link to a page outside the portal, DI recommends that you use the entire URL, including the protocol (http:// or https://).

TIP: If the link target starts with project://, the linked file opens in ProDiver. For example, project://Sales Data/markers/MyReport.mrk launches ProDiver and displays /markers/MyReport.mrk in the Sales Data project.

Remove Click to remove the associated link from the portlet.
Add Click to add another link to the portlet, and then populate the new Link Name and Link URL boxes.
Open in a new window Select if you want the linked pages to open in a separate window. This option is selected by default.

NOTE: Following a link to a page outside the portal does not end the DivePort session.

See also: