Spectre Format Conventions
Many Spectre functions include options to indicate the format for input data or the format for output data. Certain syntactic conventions apply.
Token | Meaning | Example Value | Sample Usage |
AAA | Abbreviated day of the week | Sun | `format_date(date("2015/10/25"), "AAA")` returns Sun |
AAAA | Day of the week | Sunday | `format_date(date("2015/10/25"), "AAAA")` returns Sunday |
D | One or two digit days in a standard calendar |
4 |
`date("Mar 4, 2013", "MMM D, YYYY")` returns the date value 2013/03/04 |
D | Weekday number in an ISO calendar | 2015-W53-5 | `week_date(date("2016/01/01"))` returns 2015-W53-5 |
DD | Two digit day | 09 | `date("Mar 09, 2013", "MMM DD, YYYY")` returns the date value 2013/03/09 |
GM | Gregorian one or two digit month—same as M, but forces the use of the standard calendar for non-standard period types | 2 |
`period("offset september", "year-month", date("2019/04/26"))` format="GYY-GM (GMMM)" returns 19-4 (Apr)
GMM | Gregorian two digit month—same as MM, but forces the use of the standard calendar | 03 | `period("offset march", "year-month", date("2019/03/15"))` format="GYYYY-GMM " returns 2019-03 |
GMMM | Gregorian month abbreviation—same as MMM, but forces the use of the standard calendar | Jul | `period("standard", "year-month", date("2019/07/04"))` format="GYYYY-GMM (GMMM)" 2019-07 (Jul) |
GYY | Gregorian two digit year—same as YY, but forces the use of the standard calendar | 19 | `period("offset september", "year-month", date("2019/10/26"))` format="GYY-GMM (GMMM)" returns 19-10 (Oct) |
GYYYY | Gregorian four digit year—same as YYYY, but forces the use of the standard calendar | 2019 | `period("offset september", "year-month", date("2019/12/04"))` format="GYYYY-GM (GMMM)" returns 2019-12 (Dec) |
M | One or two digit month | 2 |
`same_period(value("YearMo"), "2017-2", "YYYY-M")` returns the period with the same calendar and period type as YearMo, parsed from the string "2017-2" using the format "YYYY-M" |
MM | Two digit month | 03 | `period("standard", "year-month", "03-2015", "MM-YYYY")` returns the period value 2015/03 |
MMM | Month abbreviation | Oct | `format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "MMM D, YYYY")` returns Oct 24, 2015 |
MMMM | Month name | October | `format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "MMMM")` returns October |
Q | Quarter number | 2 | `period("standard", "year-quarter", "2017!2", "YYYY!Q")` returns the period value 2017 Q2 |
W |
Week number | 4 | `format_period(period("iso 8601", "year-week", date("2016/01/31")), "YYYY!W")` returns 2016!4 |
YYYY | Four digit year | 2017 | `format_period(period("standard", "year-month", date("2017/02/15")), "MMM-YYYY")` returns Feb-2017 |
NOTE: If you want to include letters in the input or output date string, you must put a backslash ("\") in front of the characters. For example, "YYYY-\MMM-DD" parses "2020-M07-20".
TIP: The standard ISO date format is YYYY-MM-DD, while the DI standard date format used by the Data Integrator is YYYY/MM/DD. These formats are interchangeable when using functions in Integrator scripts.
NOTE: Starting with 7.1(6), the Spectre date parser can handle month names and abbreviations in any case (for example, "01-Jan-2019" and "01-jan-2019" are treated as the same value).
Token | Meaning | Example Value | Sample Usage |
H | One or two digit hours | 3 | `format_timevalue(11160, "H:MM:SS")` returns"3:06:00" |
HH | Two digit hours | 13 | `time_value("1306", "HHMM")` returns 47,160 |
M | One or two digit minutes | 6 | `time_value("600", "MSS")` returns 360 |
MM | Two digit minutes | 45 | `format_time("10:45", "hh:mm")` returns 10:45:00. |
S | One or two digit seconds | 3 | `format_timevalue(3723, "H:M:S")` returns "1:2:3" |
SS | Two digit seconds | 1 | `time_value("1:2:3", "SS:MM:HH")` returns 10,921 |
TIP: The DI standard time format used by the Data Integrator is HH:MM:SS.
The syntax for datetime parsing and formatting is "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss".
A datetime format string is a sequence of tokens, spaces and literal characters. Tokens are CASE-SENSITIVE. This is unlike date format strings, where for instance you can use either "yyyy" or "YYYY". This requirement is necessary to avoid ambiguous tokens (for example, does M mean month or minute) and introducing additional tokens.
Token (must be uppercase) | Meaning | Example Value | Sample Usage with input-format="YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" |
Y | Year, full | 2018 | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format="MMM D, Y h:mm" displays Jan 15, 2018 13:30 |
YY | Year, 2 digits | 18 | |
YYYY | Year, full | 2018 | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format="MMM D, YYYY h:mm" displays Jan 15, 2018 13:30 |
H | Half year (1 or 2) | 1 | |
T | Tertile (1-3) | 1 | |
Q | Quarter (1-4) | 2 | |
M | Month, 1 or 2 digits | 1 | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format format="M D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays 1 15, 2018 1:30:00 PM |
MM | Month, zero padded to 2 digits | 01 | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format format="MM D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays 01 15, 2018 1:30:00 PM |
MMM | Month, 3-letter abbreviation | Jan | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays Jan 15, 2018 1:30:00 PM |
MMMM | Month, full name | January | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format format="MMMM D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays January 15, 2018 1:30:00 PM |
MMMMM | Month, 1-letter abbreviation (cannot be used for parsing) | J | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format format="MMMMM D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays J 15, 2018 1:30:00 PM |
D | Day of month, 1 or 2 digits | 3 | with 2018/05/03 01:45:20 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays May 3, 2018 1:45:20 AM |
DD | Day of month, zero-padded to 2 digits | 03 | with 2018/05/03 01:45:20 and format="MMM DD, YYYY i:mm:ss pp" displays May 03, 2018 1:45:20 AM |
AAA | Day of week, 3-letter abbreviation | Mon | |
AAAA | Day of week, full name | Monday | |
AAAAA | Day of week, 1-letter abbreviation (cannot be used for parsing) | M |
NOTE: The modifier G can be placed in front of the Y or M, similar to the date format (for example, GYYYY-GMM). The purpose of that modifier is to force the use of the standard calendar for non-standard period types. Because datetimes do not use non-standard calendars, the modifier has no effect, but it is allowed.
Token (must be lowercase) | Meaning | Example Value | Sample Usage with input-format="YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" |
h | Hour (0-23), 1 or 2 digits | 3 | with 2018/04/17 03:10:30 and format="MMM D, YYYY h:mm" displays Apr 17, 2018 3:10 |
hh | Hour (0-23), zero-padded to 2 digits | 15 | with 2018/01/15 15:30:00 and format="MMM D, YYYY hh:mm" displays Jan 15, 2018 15:30 |
i | Hour (1-12), 1 or 2 digits | 3 | with 2018/04/17 03:10:30 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm pp" displays Apr 17, 2018 3:10 AM |
ii | Hour (1-12), zero-padded to 2 digits | 01 | with 2018/01/15 13:30:00 and format="MMM D, YYYY ii:mm pp" displays Jan 15, 2018 01:30 PM |
m | Minute (0-59), 1 or 2 digits | 6 | |
mm | Minute (0-59), zero-padded to 2 digits | 08 | with 2018/01/15 13:08:00 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm pp" displays Jan 15, 2018 1:08 PM |
s | Second (0-59), 1 or 2 digits | 3 | |
ss | Second (0-59), zero-padded to 2 digits | 59 | with 2018/02/15 14:30:59 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm:ss ppp" displays Feb 15, 2018 2:30:59 PM |
p | AM/PM marker ('A' or 'P'), 1 letter | A | with 2018/04/17 03:10:30 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm p" displays Apr 17, 2018 3:10 A |
pp | AM/PM marker ('AM' or 'PM'), 2 letters | PM | with 2018/03/15 15:30:00 and format="MMM D, YYYY i:mm pp" displays Mar 15, 2018 3:30 PM |
u | Milliseconds |
- When parsing, a space matches any number of spaces in the input string.
- If you want to include letters in the input or output datetime string, you must put a backslash ("\") in front of the characters. For example, "YYYY-\MMM-DD hh:mm:ss" parses "2020-M07-20 15:07:00".
- If you put the format string in a Build script or cPlan calc, use double backslashes for letters (or in some cases quadruple backslashes).
- In addition to letters, other symbols that need backslashes are the left brace ("{') and the backslash itself.
- Other symbols, for example ":", "-", and "/", are treated as literals and do not need backslashes.
Format String |
Description |
Data -- > Result* | ||||||||||
format ="#,#" format ="#,##0" |
Round any decimal portion to present as whole number |
format ="#,##0.00" | Round and present with 2 decimal places |
format="0,000.00" |
Present as minimum 4 whole digits and round to 2 decimal digits |
format = "$#,##0.00" | Include a dollar sign and 2 decimal places |
format="$#,#;\"$\"(#,#)" | Present positive number with leading dollar sign; present negative number with leading dollar sign and parentheses—accounting format |
format="$#,#.00;\"$\"(#,#.00)" | Present positive number with leading dollar sign and cents; present negative number with leading dollar sign, cents, and parentheses—accounting format |
format = "$#,###.00;-$#,###.00" | Present positive number with leading dollar sign and cents; present negative number with leading dollar sign and cents |
format = "#%" | Multiply by 100, round to whole number, and display with percent sign |
format = "#0.00\"%\"" | Present the number with 2 decimal places and a percent sign |
format = "$#,#k" | Present the number with the letter k and a dollar sign. |
format = "$#,#,k" | Present the number as multiples of a thousand using a dollar sign. |
- By default, Diver assigns a numeric of 2 decimal places to numeric cBase fields. If the formatting is set to None, the ProDiver output matches any Spectre formatting defined by the Build script or cPlan.
- The inclusion of thousands separators in Spectre output depends on the use of a locale that supports it, for example, en_US.
Format String | Description |
format="True;False" |
Indicates the format is the default for Boolean data: True or False. |
format="T;F" | Indicates the data presentation is T or F. |
format="Yes;No" | Indicates the data presentation is Yes or No. |
format="true" | Indicates the data presentation is true or blank for false. |
- In Spectre builds, format sets both the display and input properties, unless a separate input-format is specified.
- If the format has a blank after the semicolon, or if there is no semicolon, then blank values are considered false. Otherwise, when there is a semicolon and the string after it is not empty, blank values are parsed as null.
See also: Spectre Data Types