Multilevel cPlans
A multilevel cPlan allows you to join two or more data sets into a merged Dive file. A multilevel merge does not merely concatenate records. Dives are done into each of the sources and the results are then combined. It is a best practice to limit the number of cBases in a multilevel cPlan.
The following scenario defines a multilevel cPlan with two input cBases. The cBases have different columns but with a common Customer column. The cPlan is used as input to a Spectre dive file, and the results of the dive are shown.

cplan { multilevel { cbase-input"first.cbase" cbase-input"second.cbase" } }
Assume the two cBases in the cPlan, have the following columns:
first.cbase has columns "Customer," "Product," and "Sold," like:
Customer | Product | Sold |
Cust1 | Prod1 | 10 |
Cust1 | Prod2 | 20 |
Cust2 | Prod1 | 30 |
second.cbase has columns "Customer" and "Loss," like:
Customer | Loss |
Cust1 | 10 |
Cust2 | 20 |
Cust3 | 30 |
When you create a Dive file on the multilevel cPlan, as in the following example, several things happen in the background:
- The cPlan first splits into two windows or into as many windows as there are inputs.
- Each window is run against a single input. Dimensions not present in that input are dropped.
- The two (or more) windows are then joined into a single window for the result.

dive { cplan "cust-prod.cplan" window { dimension "Customer" dimension "Product" column "Sold" column "Loss" } }
Running the above Dive file (Run > Run) gives the following results.
Results of running the Dive file:
Customer | Product | Sold | Loss |
Cust1 | Prod1 | 10 | 10 |
Cust1 | Prod2 | 20 | 10 |
Cust2 | Prod1 | 30 | 20 |
Cust3 | 30 |
- A cPlan filter only filters the inputs for which all the referenced columns exist. In the previous example, a filter `value("Product")="Prod1"` would only filter first.cbase because Product does not exist in second.cbase.
- If a value is missing on one side or the other when the two sides are joined, a null value is produced for columns where there is no data.
- If a non-dimension column is found in both inputs, Spectre uses only the column from the first one.

Consider a multilevel cPlan of two cBases, one with the summary Units, the other with the summary Budget Units.
The actual vs budget.cplan:
cplan { multilevel{ cbase-input "demo_drs.cbase cbase-input "demo_drs_budget.cbase" } }
A simple Dive shows how the parent() totals operate on the window's working set:
dive { cplan "actual vs budget.cplan" window { dimension "Sales Region" column "Budget Units" column "Budget Units parent" `parent(sum(value("Budget Units")))` column "Units" column "Units parent" `parent(sum(value("Units")))` aux-table "Totals" } }
The end result of the dive:
See also: About MultiLevel MultiModel DivePlans
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