Delete Process Node
A Delete node is a Production process node that deletes files and directories.
NOTE: Wildcard characters are supported wherever you list files.
The Delete node has three panes where you set attributes.

You set attributes for the Delete node in the node attributes pane.
Attribute | Description |
Name |
Specify a descriptive name for the node. Lower case names maximize usage of the available space. |
Failure Type |
Specify how to handle a Delete node when a file or directory delete operation fails:
Recursive delete |
Set to True to include files in subdirectories that match the files and file types that are specified in the Files list pane. The default is False. |
When no files are deleted |
Specify how to handle a delete operation failure: Warn, Fail, or Succeed. The default is Succeed. |
Email Object for failure |
Select a predefined mailing list to send an email to if the node fails. The pull-down list is populated with items that can be found in Project Settings > Mailing Lists > Email Templates. |
Email Object for success |
Select a predefined mailing list to send an email to if the node succeeds. The pull-down list is populated with items that can be found in Project Settings > Mailing Lists > Email Templates. |
Email Object for warning |
Select a predefined mailing list to send an email to if the node generates a warning. The pull-down list is populated with items that can be found in Project Settings > Mailing Lists > Email Templates. |
Failure node |
Select the next node upon failure. The pull-down list contains all nodes that are on the Task Flow. |
Success node |
Select the next node upon successful completion. The next node automatically populates if a connecting line is set on the Task Flow. The pull-down list contains all nodes that are on the Task Flow. |
Working Directory |
Specifies the directory in which this node runs. If left blank, the Default Working Directory attribute that is set in the Start Control Node is used. When running a script, Production sets the working directory for the child process to the directory that contains the script, unless the node specifies a different directory.
Default Working Directory |
Displays the Default Working Directory that is set the the Start Control Node. If a Default Working Directory is not specified, this attribute is blank. Applies to all nodes.
External File Encoding |
Select the format for the node input files. If this attribute is blank, Workbench attempts to detect the type of encoding. This attribute is also used when saving log files. The encoding might need to be adjusted when using data with high bit Latin-1 characters or Unicode characters. |

Each node has an area where you can enter comments.
It is a DI best practice to enter a note for every node in a Production script. These notes can help you or a coworker understand the intent of the node and troubleshoot issues in the future.

Specify one or more files or directories to delete in the Files pane.
Files can be specified individually or can be specified using wildcard characters (? and *) to delete multiple files that match the specified string.
CAUTION: If a directory is listed under Files, the directory and all of its contents are deleted, even if the Recursive attribute is set to False.
NOTE: Production Delete nodes fail if they cannot delete the fileāthe file cannot be deleted while it is in use. Do not use Delete nodes to try to delete cBases before building them. Just build on top of them. Spectre automatically moves the existing cBase out of the way and deletes it when possible.