Creating Calc Rules

Calc rules apply an expression to each record in a data set to create additional columns.

To add a calc rule:

  1. On the top of the Measure Factory Editor page, click Rules.

  2. On the upper right, click New.

    The ClosedNew Rule pane opens on the right.

    Select Rule Type Dialog Box

  3. Select Calc rule.
  4. Select a data set.

  5. Click Create rule.

    The Closedcalc rule is created and opens in the detail pane with the default name NewRule#.

    New Calc Rule Name

  6. Enter a name for the rule, and click Green check mark to confirm your changes.

    In this Closedexample, the calc rule is Inventory Month-End Flag, and it is in the Inventory data set.

    New Calc Rule Example

  7. Click the edit icon The pencil icon. on the right of the Calc section.

    The ClosedEdit Expression window opens.

    The Edit Expression window

    TIP: The Edit Expression dialog box offers context suggestions for correct syntax.

  8. Enter the ClosedSpectre expression in the Edit Expression window.

    The Edit Expression window with the expression for the calc rule

  9. Click OK.

    The window closes, and the calc appears in the Closeddetail pane.

    Completed Calc Rule in Detail Panel

  10. Optionally, expand the ClosedDocumentation section to enter additional information about the rule.

    The Documentation double chevron

  11. Click the blank space to the right of a field to edit it. When editing in the multi-line text boxes, press Ctrl+Enter or Shift+Enter to create a new line, or press Enter to apply your changes and exit edit mode.

    Click Green check mark to confirm your changes.

  12. Optionally, expand the Governance section to enter notes regarding governance. For example, who is responsible for updates, or when it was last modified.When editing in the multi-line text boxes, press Ctrl+Enter or Shift+Enter to create a new line, or press Enter to apply your changes and exit edit mode.
  13. Save the tab.

See also Factory Calc Rules.