What is an Ad Hoc QuickView?

An Ad Hoc QuickView, like other QuickViews, can dynamically update displayed data by applying a filter. However, Ad Hoc QuickViews are specific to ad hoc pages.

Ad Hoc QuickViews take advantage of the switching feature that allows DiveTab users to edit dimensions on the page. To define an Ad Hoc QuickView, use the quickview-dimension tag.

NOTE: Pages that include QuickViews can be preloaded when previously cached.

Here is an example of an Closedad hoc page using QuickViews.

  ad-hoc-page { 
    title "Ad Hoc - QV" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
    dimension "Resp Team" 
    quickview-dimension "Resp Team" 
    quickview-dimension "Premise" 
    quickview-dimension "Corporate Product Group" 
    dimcount-dimension "Premise" 
    dimcount-dimension "Beverage Type" 
    text column = "Cost" { 
      value-format "$#,###.00" 
    text column = "Net Sales" { 
      value-format "$#,###.00" 
    available-columns { 
      text "Profit" column = "GP$" 

Here is the Closedresult of the code in DiveTab.

Example of an Ad Hoc QuickView

Ad Hoc QuickViews filter information within the client. For example, if you select the Resp Team QuickView and choose the value Crowe in the Set QuickView dialog, DiveTab filters include only the value Crowe.

Here is the ClosedSet QuickView dialog box.

The Set QuickView dialog for QuickView Resp Team.

Here is the Closedresult in the client.

The result after the Resp Team QuickView is filtered on value Crowe.

By using the Edit Dimensions dialog, any dimension can be moved to another dimension type.

Here is the ClosedDimensions tab of the Edit Dimensions and Summary Columns dialog box.

The Edit Dimensions dialog for the Ad Hoc page.

QuickViews Sets are used for locked QuickViews that cannot be moved. For example, anchor date or metric QuickViews are not dimensions, so they should be fixed in place.

See also: