What is a Table?

A table is a type of element that functions similarly to a report page: you can link content, color the text and background, add alert and bullet columns, and more. A table, which is used only by central and overview pages, is coded in the elements block.

When you include a table in a tab block, an id tag is not required. However, when a table is defined in an elements or definitions block, an id is required to reference the table elsewhere in the script.

Here is an Closedexample of an overview page using a table in DiveTab.

Example of an Overview using a table.

Here is how the Closedtable appears in the code, within the elements block.

  table id = "tb-product" { 
    dimension "Product Name" 
    text column = "Cost" { 
      value-format "$#,###.00" 
    text column = "Cases" 
    sort-column "Cases" 
    first 15 

Here is where the table is referenced within the Closedoverview page code block.

  tab "Other" { 
    screen { 
      layout { 
        vsplit { 
          hsplit percent = 100 { 
            spacer percent = 2 
            element id = "tb-product" percent = 96 
            spacer percent = 2 

Here is another Closedexample of an overview page using two tables.

Example of an Overview Page using two tables.

Here is Closedthe full code of the overview page.

  overview-page { 
    title "Overview" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_timeseries.cplan" 
    tab "Tables" { 
      screen { 
        layout { 
          vsplit { 
            hsplit percent = 100 { 
              spacer percent = 1
              box percent = 48 { 
                title "Summaries do not link" 
                element id = "tb-product-color" 
              spacer percent = 2 
              box percent = 48 { 
                title "Summaries do link" 
                element id = "tb-product-color-link" 
              spacer percent = 1
    elements { 
      table id = "tb-product-color" { 
        dimension "Product Name" 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          high-color "da6c00" 
          low-color "b66dff" 
          threshold-value column = "Cost" 
          low-threshold 400000 
          high-threshold 700000 
        text column = "Cases" { 
          background-color "cdfafa" 
          high-color "da6c00" 
          low-color "b66dff" 
          threshold-value column = "Cases" 
          low-threshold 3000 
          high-threshold 4000 
        sort-column "Cases" reverse = true 
        first 21 
      table id = "tb-product-color-link" { 
        dimension "Product Name" 
        text column = "Cost" { 
          high-color "da6c00" 
          low-color "b66dff" 
          threshold-value column = "Cost" 
          low-threshold 400000 
          high-threshold 700000 
          link { 
            map column = "Map Boston" 
        text column = "Cases" { 
          background-color "cdfafa" 
          high-color "da6c00" 
          low-color "b66dff" 
          threshold-value column = "Cases" 
          low-threshold 3000 
          high-threshold 4000 
          link { 
            web-page "www.dimins.com" 
        sort-column "Cases" reverse = true 
        first 21 