DivePort Links

A DivePort link leads to a DivePort site or specific DivePort page.

Here is an example of a ClosedDivePort link column in DiveTab.

Example of a DivePort link column.

Here is the ClosedDivePort page opened in DiveTab.

Example of the resulting DivePort page.

Here is how the Closedpage appears in the code.

  report-page { 
    title "DivePort Link" 
    cplan "/cplans/basic_101.cplan" 
    dimension "Corporate Brand" 
    text column = "Cases" 
    text "Surgery Advisor" { 
      link { 
        diveport { 
          url "https://docs.dimins.com/diveport-docs" 
          page "7627ee39-7387-452c-be83-b94dea07b9d8" 

TIP: Refer to the DivePort Administrator Help for more information on Page IDs.