VI XML Input Object

The Visual Integrator (VI) XML input object extracts tabular data from XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents into the script.

VI XML Input Icon

XML is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) through recommendation at

An XML document describes a tree of elements and attributes. The XML input object extracts data from the tree in the form of rows and columns. The XPath query language identifies the set of nodes to become rows, and XPath expressions identify the column values relative to these nodes. XPath is also defined through W3C at

Although XPath is a powerful expression language, the simplest of expressions allow you to extract most data from an XML document. For some examples of XPath expressions and generated output, see XPath Examples.

The XML input object reads the entire XML file into memory to search and access the nodes quickly. When processing large XML input files, you might want to stage them into tab-delimited files before continuing with other processing.

The XML input object has Closedfour panes where you set attributes.

VI XML All Panes

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