VI Lookup Process Object

The Visual Integrator (VI) Lookup process object combines two input flows with a simple relational join to form a single output flow.

Icon for the VI Lookup Process Object

Two inputs are required: a primary input for the input flow and a secondary input for the lookup flow. Either a single column or multiple columns from each flow are used to match rows between the inputs. For each row in the input flow, the value of the match columns are used to find a row in the lookup flow.

  • If the lookup row is found, a set of columns are added to the input row as part of the output flow.
  • If no row is found, empty strings are inserted for those columns.
  • If multiple rows matching the join keys are found in the lookup input, only one of the rows is kept. A warning is issued, but the process continues using the first value encountered.

NOTE: Lookup inputs are fully loaded into memory. If you have large lookup input files, consider breaking them into smaller files. If you need to use these large lookup files, consider using a Join process object instead.

You can perform a ranged lookup, where rows are joined based on a range of values. This is useful when there are multiple values that map to a single value. Ranged lookups let you create small lookup files instead of large files. That is, instead of creating a row for each possible value and repeating the lookup value, you can create one row with a range of values for each lookup value. When editing, you only need to update one row rather than a series of rows.

The Lookup process object has Closedthree panes where you set attributes.

VI Lookup Object All Panes

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