User Access Tokens Tab
The user access tokens tab is where you can add and delete user access tokens. Click Enable Access Tokens in the user access tokens interface to be able to add, delete, and use user access tokens.
A user access token is a unique and randomly-generated string which can be used to authenticate a user to DiveLine, similar to a password. Access tokens are revocable and can be set to automatically expire. Access tokens are useful for where the user doesn't want to store their actual password in a script or configuration file, such as in batch processing or systems integration.
Access token information is stored in DiveLine's dataroot/config/atlcfg.cfg file. Any change made in the user access tokens interface is also made in the atlcfg.cfg file.
NOTE:Once a user access token is created, it cannot be edited. The only way to change a user's access is to delete the user access token and create a new one.

To add a user access token:
Click Tools > Server Settings.
Click User Access Tokens in the server settings sidebar.
Click the Add User Access Token icon
Create User Access Token dialog box opens.
Select a user name in the User combo box.
Enter a name for the user access token in the Token name box.
Select an expiration date using the Expiration date calendar combo box.
Click Generate token to create the user access token.
The token is generated.
Click Copy to copy the token. Dimensional Insight recommends storing the token in a secure location for future reference.
Click OK.

To delete a user access token:
Click Tools > Server Settings.
Click User Access Tokens in the server settings sidebar.
Select the user access token you want to delete from the user access tokens table.
Click the Delete Access Token icon
The Delete Access Token dialog box opens.
Click Yes.