File Extensions
There are many file extensions that Workbench recognizes. Some are only applicable with special licenses (Spectre, DiveTab, and Measure Factory). This topic presents alphabetized lists.

Extension | Use |
access | Access control file used to restrict or grant users access to specific parts of your Workbench projects. |
wbs | Saved Workbench session file. |
wlk |
Workbench Link File. DivePort can pass a wlk file such that the Windows OS opens the appropriate editor tab in Workbench (similar to dlk files in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |

Extension | Use |
build | Spectre build file used to direct creation of a cBase (equivalent to dsc in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |
calendar | Spectre calendar declaration file. |
cbase | Spectre cBase file that holds the columnar data (equivalent to mdl in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |
cplan | Spectre cPlan file that merges, filters, and adds calculations to cBase data (similar to dvp in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |
dive | Spectre query against a cPlan (similar to mrk in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |
divetab | DiveTab script used to define a DiveTab application. |
factory | Measure Factory configuration file that applies rules to standard input cBase data sets. |
factory-data-set | Measure Factory optional configuration file that groups data set definitions together. |
factory-plugin | Measure Factory configuration file that applies rules that the other factory rule types cannot execute. |
factory-scope | Measure Factory optional configuration file that groups scope and measure definitions together. |
measures | Spectre file that directs the creation of cBases and cPlans to support measures. |
pre | Production Extension file (same as in previous versions of the Diver Solution). |
qvset | Spectre QuickView Set used to define QuickViews independently of markers (similar but different than qvs in earlier versions of the Diver Solution). |
stamp | A configuration file to define a template for customized stamp portlets for DivePort pages. Requires a Measure Factory license. |
txt |
Usually reserved for a tab-delimited file of user-maintained data. Also used for temporary work files by running processes. In the case of matrix-styles.txt, this is a customized configuration file made accessible to DivePort for use by the Matrix portlet. |

Extension |
Use |
bak |
Backup file extension. |
bmi | One of two files used to define a layer in a Map Data set used by Diver to draw maps. The bmi file is a binary data file containing coordinates needed to define the object boundaries for the map layer, i.e. polygon data. See also mid. |
cac | The file extension for a cache data file created by DiveLine when optimizing the opening of DivePlans. One of two files used to define a DivePlan cache. See also cinfo. |
cde | Sometimes used for user-maintained data files, usually de-code tables. |
cfg |
Configuration file used for certain Diver Solution products to store preferences and set parameters. |
cfile | The file type for an encrypted file containing the connect string used by Integrator to hide the SQL username and password from casual access. |
cinfo |
A cache information file created by DiveLine that contains a list of merged models. Used with cac to create a DivePlan cache. |
clk | Client Link file associated with DI-Config. Same format as dlk. |
connect | The file type for an encrypted file containing the connect string used by Integrator to hide the SQL username and password from casual access. |
dat | Usually reserved for use with files extracted from a customer's production database; can be tab delimited or fixed-format, usually with column headers. |
dbk | The Diver Solution DiveBook file type. These files are created and maintained with Diver. DiveBooks store Topics (Markers, DivePlans, Links) organized into Areas. |
defn | The file extension used by the DI-Updater component to define packages for user download. |
desc or dsc | The DI file type for the model build description file. Both dsc and desc are acceptable. These are Object Language configuration files that control the actions of Builder in a given build, so that they can be easily repeated. |
dial | File extension for a DIAL file, used to define a DIAL script. |
dict or dic | File extension for a DI Dictionary file which can be used to define the format of a Builder or Data Integrator input or output file. |
dir | File extension for a DiveLine ACL file for directory level access. |
dlk |
Dynamic link file These dlk files could alternatively be associated with DI-Launcher to support multiple ProDiver versions. |
dlm | Link file associated with DI Lookup Manager. Same format as dlk. |
dmlk | Link file associated with ProDiveMaster. Same format as dlk. |
dvp | The DI file type for the DivePlan files. These are maintained with DiveMaster and Diver. |
gtpl | A file extension used for Diver Graph templates. Graph templates are used to store custom settings for later use in graph markers. |
info | Located in the \DI-Update\config directory, info files contain general information about the files included in a particular DI-Updater download package. |
ini |
Configuration files used for certain Diver Solution products to store preferences and setting parameters. |
int |
The file type for the data manipulation script files containing DI Object Language to be processed by Data Integrator. |
jou | The default and recommended file extension for build journal files that capture metadata about the build and any error messages. |
lck | A lock file is created to prevent overwrites while a DiveLine utility is altering the contents of atlcfg.cfg, |
lnk | Shortcut file to ProDiver. |
log | Solution audit file. DiveLine and DivePort log files have the form usage-yyymmdd.log, events-yyyymmdd.log, and yyyymmdd_hhmmss_xxx.log (Session). |
lup | Reserved for a tab-delimited file of user-maintained data to be used as a lookup table in DivePort. |
mcp | Link file associated with DI-Controller. Same format as dlk. |
md0 | For models greater than 2 gigabytes, continuation files generated by Builder will have a file type of md0, md1, md2, and up to md9. |
mdc | For Models greater than 2 gigabytes, and 10 continuation files, the eleventh continuation file will have a file type of 10.mdc, then 11.mdc, 12.mdc up to 49.mdc. Builder generates these files as needed and Diver and other clients read them seamlessly as part of the Model. |
mdl | The file type for Model files, the basic data repository designed for fast access from Diver. Model files contain binary data. They can be opened by Diver, DivePort, NetDiver, ProReporter, CellDiver, Data Integrator, and DIAL. |
mdu | The Update Model file extension, used for incremental builds where new data is added to an existing Model without rebuilding it in its entirety. |
mid | One of two files used to define a layer in a Map Data Set for Diver. The mid file is an ASCII file that contains textual data, relevant to the geographic objects within the layer, and its centroid coordinates. See alsobmi. |
mrk | The DI Marker file type. Marker files record steps in a dive so it can be easily repeated against updated data. These saved dives can be opened by Diver, DivePort, NetDiver, CellDiver, and DIAL to display data. Workbench can open a Marker file to display a view of the console information. |
passport | Consultant passport file that allows DI staff temporary access to customer servers. |
prd | File extension used by DI-Production for its control scripts. |
qvs | QuickView Set. Used by Diver to store related QuickViews (External, Model, List, and DiveBook) for later use by a series of markers. |
rbk | ReportBook file used by ProReporter. |
rds | Reporter Description file. A text file that can be used by ProReporter to record data source objects. |
ref | Reference link file containing Window dive reference strings used in report palettes. |
rep | The file type for DI Report Template files with formatting instructions; contains no data or Model reference. |
rft | Predefined Report Format style using the DI Object language. The file styles.rft is a DiveLine configuration file that holds named collections of Reporter format attributes for customizing and standardizing the appearance of Reports created using the ProReporter client. |
rpt | The file type for Reports created and saved using the ProReporter client. |
tbl | Usually reserved for use with a tab-delimited file used as a lookup table. |
tmp | Common file extension for temporary work text files. This extension is used for temporary files created by Data Integrator for external sorts, or when a Rank Process object is used. These files have names of the form s####.tmp and can be safely deleted after an Integrator script finishes. DI-Scheduler also creates tmp files in the dl-dataroot\temp directory. |
tnl | Tunnel file that contains a DI Object Language script to link to data through DiveLine. The data accessed can be text files, Models, or a SQL DB. A tnl file can be used anywhere a mdl file is used. |
tpl |
A multiple-use file extension used for Diver Application and Report templates as well as Toolbar settings. Application templates are used to save custom Diver user settings. Report templates are used to store custom settings for later use in Report Markers. Customized Diver Toolbar settings, are saved in C:\windows\diver.tpl. |
txt |
Usually reserved for a tab-delimited file of user-maintained data. Also used for temporary files outputted by the Data Integrator. |
ulk | Associated with DI-Updater. When DI-Updater is run, it opens the ulk file and connects to the appropriate DiveLine server. The ulk files are automatically associated with DI-Updater. |

There are a few files that do not have an extension. They are listed below.
Diver Solution Files without extensions
File |
Purpose |
map_data |
The configuration file that names the Map Set and its geographic layers. Located in the MapData directory. |
scheduler-builder | The security file that allows DI-Scheduler to call and execute the DI Builder. Located in the /dl-dataroot/security directory. |
scheduler-integrator | The security file that allows DI-Scheduler to call and execute the Data Integrator. Located in the /dl-dataroot/security directory. |
remote-development |
The security file that enables DI-Production to open a remote session against DiveLine. Located in the /dl-dataroot/security directory. Also used by Visual Integrator to open a remote connection to DI-Production. This file enables DI-Production to run jobs. |