Testing Your DiveTab

After you create your DiveTab project and configure the server settings, you can test your DiveTab.

To test your DiveTab:

  1. In Workbench, select Tools > Launch DiveTab-PC.

    DiveTab-PC opens and logs in to the DiveTab site created in the prerequisite procedures.

  2. The Sync is automatic, and DiveTab-PC presents your landing page that resembles the preview you have in Workbench.

    NOTE: Any edits that you do after opening DiveTab must be Synced to display.

    Here is the view from the client.

    DiveTab Client View

    Here is the Closedview from Workbench.

    View of the DiveTab in Workbench.

  3. In DiveTab-PC, click the ClosedSample icon to open the area.

    An example of DiveTab with the document area button emphasized.

    The document opens.

  4. In the page header, click ClosedMenu to return to the landing page.

    Example of a Menu button in DiveTab

  5. On the lower right, you can click Logout to log out, or leave the DiveTab client open as you return to Workbench to make additional edits.
  6. As you continue to edit the DiveTab project in Workbench, use the Sync button in DiveTab-PC to display the results.

In this manner, you can develop and test your DiveTab with iterations of edits and saves in Workbench, and syncs in DiveTab.

NOTE: When you save a divetab script, any syntax errors are brought to your attention (provided you have set this behavior preference under Tools). Other errors, such as typographical errors or references to nonexistent columns in a cPlan, are not detected until the client runs the script. Be sure to view the details of any error that displays in the client, so that you can troubleshoot issues with the script. Here is an example of an Closederror message.

Page Display Error dialog

See also: Launching DiveTab from Workbench