DiveLine Functions in DIAL
The diveline functions in DIAL manage connections to a DiveLine server.

Connects to the DiveLine
The server can be referenced by
a host name, a host name and port number in the format hostname:port, or an IP address.
If no
is specified, DiveLine defaults to
port 2130. Optionally, logs
in with the specified
name and
password, which must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Disconnects from the current DiveLine server. All Models, Markers, and DiveBooks are automatically closed.
NOTE: Starting with DIAL 7.1(15), when in server mode, the script skips the diveline.disconnect() function and displays a warning.

Performs a proxy login. You must already be logged on to DiveLine as an administrator or subadministrator and be able to administer the specified user. If successful, all previously opened data is closed, and for the remainder of the script, you have the same access rights as the specified user. This is not valid inside a dive statement.

Sets the project on the server. After setting the project, you can refer to files in the project by their absolute path inside the project. Any DiveLine files open before the set_project() function call are closed.

Sets the webdir directory used for Web Server authentication. The specified directory is used to communicate between the script generating the password and the DiveLine server, which checks the password.
To connect to DiveLine with web server authentication, begin each script with the diveline.set_webdir() function followed by the diveline.connect() function.
NOTE: If DIAL is run on the DiveLine server and has write access to the directory, the script generates this one-time password to log in. After this function is called, any diveline.connect() calls with a user and no password use this mechanism to authenticate the user regardless of the authentication scheme in place. This function eliminates the need to include the connect user’s password in the script in clear text.
diveline.connect("localhost", "dial_user");
console.writeln("Opening sales.dvp...");
- If DiveLine files are open before the set_project function, those files are closed by that function call.
- When connecting to a 7.x DiveLine server, if the set_project command is not specified in the DIAL script, the 6.4 Diveline Namespace project opens.
- Once the project is set, refer to files in the project by their absolute path inside the project. For example:
- marker.open(MARKER_,"/client-files/mthly.mrk");
- Workbench resolves the path to a DIAL script in a project, so it can pass the local file system path to the DIAL interpreter, which then runs as in previous versions.
- Certain functions use DiveLine paths (for example marker.save()) while other functions use local file system paths (for example marker.save_text()).