Using Tabs to Split Screen
When you have multiple files open in the Workbench main window space, you can split the main window space to display the content of both tabs simultaneously.
For example, if you have two tabs open, by default , only the content for the selected tab is visible, but you can split the screen to display the content for both tabs at the same time.
Click and hold the selected tab and drag the pointer towards the middle of the window.
The cursor changes its appearance and a set of docking squares appear.
Position the cursor on one of the docking squares according to how you want to split the screen, and release the mouse button.
The top and bottom squares split the screen horizontally with the selected tab on the top or bottom, respectively.
The left and right squares split the screen vertically with the selected tab on the left or right, respectively.
Note whether a section of the split screen has only one tab. If so click and hold the selected tab on that section and drag the pointer towards the middle of the other section of the split screen.
The cursor changes its appearance and a set of docking squares appear.
Position the pointer on the center docking square of the other section of the split screen and release the mouse button.
The two sections of the screen combine into one. If one of the sections has multiple tabs, and you drag the selected tab from that section, the screen remains split until all tabs are combined.
NOTE: You are not limited to a single split. Each divided section has its own docking squares, so you can continue to subdivide sections to display more content.
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