VI Join Process Object

The Visual Integrator (VI) Join process object performs SQL-style joins on inputs to the data flow.

VI Join Process Object Icon

The Join object discards records from one or both flows if they do not join any records from the other flow and duplicates records when both flows contain multiple records. The Join object expands the ability of the Lookup process object in that it implements standard SQL join types (inner, outer, left outer, right outer, and merge) and performs Cartesian products for duplicate records.

Unlike the Lookup object, the Join does not require the lookup flow to completely fit into memory, but the join might be slower if the lookup flow is not read into memory. It does require that both flows are sorted according to the join columns. If the flows are not sorted properly, a warning message displays, and the results of the join might be incorrect. Use the autosort attribute to automatically sort one or both of the Join inputs.

The Join process object has Closedthree panes where you set attributes.

VI Join Object All Panes