Comparison Operators

The Integrator Calc object supports the following comparison operators:

<, <=, =, !=, >=, >

These operators perform as follows:

operator operation operator name
expr1 < expr2 less than less
expr1 <= expr2 less than or equal to less_equ
expr1 = expr2 equal to equal
expr1 != expr2 not equal to not equal
expr1 >= expr2 greater than or equal to greater_equ
expr1 > expr2 greater than greater

If both expressions can be interpreted as numbers, the comparison functions will convert them and perform a numeric comparison. To always perform a string comparison, convert at least one argument into a string using the string() function. See String Functions in Integrator.


50 > 100 returns 0
greater(50,100) returns 0
90 <= 100 returns 1
less_equ(90,100) returns 1