What is a QuickView Set?
A QuickView Set file (qvset) specifies QuickViews for a cPlan. The QuickView mechanism presents to the end-user an easy way to dynamically filter data in the current display. QuickView Sets are used by DivePort to filter data on portal pages in a top down manner—they are used by DivePort portlets, backed by Dives and cPlans, to access Spectre data. QuickView Sets are defined in Workbench, then added to DivePort pages to configure the QuickViews for all the portlets on the page.
These qvset files eliminate the dependency on ProDiver Marker files which have their own QuickViews, and can be associated with 6.4 QuickView sets files (qvs). The 6.4 qvs files are not supported with cBase and cPlans.
- Solution 6.4 QuickView sets (qvs files) ensure that a set of markers use the same QuickViews and values. When these markers are used on DivePort pages, the QuickView portlet surveys other portlets and merges the results. DivePort 7.x can still do this, but it is more efficient to define qvsets in Workbench, because qvsets take advantage of the Spectre technology.
- Differences remain between qvs and qvset functionality. In particular, the following features are supported in a ProDiver Marker QuickView but not supported or are limited in a Spectre QuickView:
- Individual QuickView Dependencies (limited to dependency="sequential" or "circular")
- Dimension Values—Sort Up, Sort Down, Skip
Named Groups—First, Last, Skip (limited use of named groups defined in the cPlan)
Load Value—First, Prompt Dialog, Prompt Value
- Limits
Go Button
- QuickViews are also used within DiveTab scripts when defining Report, Ad Hoc, Cross, Overview, and Central pages. For more information, see DiveTab Help What is a QuickView?
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