Spectre dive Options

The Spectre command line dive sub-command runs a Dive on a data set. It has the following syntax:

spectre dive <filename> [options]

The <filename> points to an existing Dive file to run an existing Dive, or to a cBase or cPlan file to perform an ad hoc dive. The <filename> can take various forms:

  • If you set DI_PROJECT or pass --project as an argument, you can use a project path such as /cplans/sales.dive. This format always uses forward slashes regardless of the operating system.
  • If you do not set DI_PROJECT and do not pass --project as an argument, you can use a file system path. For example, use C:\di\project\sales\cplans\sales.dive, or use sales.dive if the current working directory is C:\di\project\sales\cplans.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive

Enter spectre dive -h to display the syntax and options as shown in the following table.

Spectre dive Sub-command Options

Option Description
--cbase-output arg

Output directly to a cBase.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --cbase-output /cbases/sales-dive.cbase

--dataroot arg

Set the path to the DiveLine server dataroot.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --dataroot c:\di\solution\dl-dataroot

Instead of using this option, you can set the DI_HOME environment variable. See Setting Environment Variables.


Indicate an alternative delimiter value to the default tab. The delimiter can be set to "comma", "tab", or a single-character string, for example "|". If set:

* Columns will no longer be aligned in the output

* Cell values containing the delimiter, a newline, or a double-quote character, will be quoted

The new quoting behavior also applies when Spectre dive output is piped to a file or to another process, as long as --human-readable is not used.

Available starting with Spectre 7.1(21).


As of Spectre 7.1(32), force the output to use any formatting supplied in format tags in the dive file.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --formatted


Align columns in table output in space-padded fixed-width columns. This option is the default unless writing to a file.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --human-readable --properties > c:\temp\sales_dive_prop.txt

NOTES: This option is intended for looking at small result sets—it is costly because of the layout required.

If used in a Dive redirecting output to a file, the data output is formatted as defined by the format= property. Formatting is always applied when output goes to the terminal.

-l [ --limit-rows ] arg

Limit the number of output rows.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --limit-rows 100

-p [ --param ] name value

Set a value for a parameter.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --param month 12 --param year 2015

--project arg

Set the project name.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --project sales

Instead of using this option, you can set the DI_PROJECT environment variable. See Setting Environment Variables.


Print property values.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --properties

-q [ --quiet ]

Print only warnings and errors to the console.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --quiet


Print timing information.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --timing

-u [ --username ] arg

Run as the specified user.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.dive --username jsmith

With a cPlan or cBase when building a dive explicitly:
-f [ --filter ] arg

Filter the input using this expression.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.cplan --dimension salesperson --filter "value(\"Customer\") = \"5 CLUB [00004]\""
-d [ --dimension ] arg

Add a dimension to the window.

For example:

spectre dive /cbases/sales.cbase --dimension salesperson

-c [ --column ] arg

Add a column to the window.

For example:

spectre dive /cplans/sales.cplan --dimension salesperson --column sales

-t [ --totals ]

Include a totals row.

For example:

spectre dive /cbases/sales.cbase --dimension salesperson --column sales --totals