Calc Sets
Calc-sets are groupings of calculations defined in a cPlan. A dive file can add several columns at once by specifying a calc-set. For example, if a calc-set "Units Calcs" was defined with 10 unit-related calculations, then the following window would have 11 columns (one for the dimension, and one for each calculation in the calc-set):
window { dimension "Sales Region" calc-set "Units Calcs" }
You can declare the calc-set all at once, listing each calculation that should go in it. For example:
calc "Red Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Color") = "Red"` calc "Green Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Color") = "Green"` calc "Blue Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Color") = "Blue"` calc-set "Color Units" { calc "Red Units" calc "Blue Units" calc "Green Units" }
This allows you to declare the calculations in a different order than they appear in the calc-set, which might be important if the calculations make references to one another.
Alternatively, you can include a for-loop and a parameter when defining the calc-set. For example:
for "Color" "Red" "Green" "Blue" { calc "$(Color) Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Color") = param("Color")` calc-set "Color Units" }
This Color Units calc-set could be included in a time series definition. For example, here the calc-set is part of a summary block:
A calc-set tag can also be part of a time series block. For example, here the placement of the calc-set tag makes all the columns generated for the time series part of the defined calc-set.
cplan {
input "Widgets.cbase"
calc "A1 Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Product") = "Widget A1"`
calc "A2 Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Product") = "Widget A2"`
calc "A3 Units" `calc("Units")` filter=`value("Product") = "Widget A3"`
time-series "Big Orders" {
date "Order Date"
anchor `date("2004/06/04")`
filter `value("Units") > 20`
summary "A1 Units"
summary "A2 Units"
summary "A3 Units"
ranges {
calc-set "Big Orders"
See also: Calculations: Build versus cPlan