Searching Workbench Explorer
You can perform two types of searches to locate files in Workbench Explorer: quick search and advanced search.
NOTE: To search for text patterns inside the project files, use Find In Files.
If more than one project is open, select the project to make it the active project.
Enter a search pattern in the Find box. Wildcard characters (* and ?) are allowed.
Press Enter.
A Search results tab opens.
If the search pattern is without wildcards, the search term is highlighted in the results. If the search pattern uses wildcards, no highlighting occurs.
To search within a specific folder, enter a search pattern in the Find box, and then right-click the folder > Search in folder. This command is not available if there is no search pattern in the Find box.
If you type an absolute path in the Find box, Explorer highlights the path and expands any sub-folders. The Quick Search icon changes to a folder icon, and the Advanced Search icon is not available. If you type a complete path to a single file, you can click the folder icon or press Enter to open the file in a new tab.
See Working with the Search Results below.
If more than one project is open, select the project to make it the active project.
Click the Advanced Search icon.
An Advanced Search tab opens.
Enter a search pattern in the search box. Wildcard characters (* and ?) are allowed.
NOTE: The Advanced Search search box automatically populates with any search pattern that is in the Find box.
Select any of the following options. All options default as cleared and are not applied to the search unless selected.
Search Aliases—Select to include files and folders in aliased folders.
Search Logs—Select to include log files.
Case Sensitive—Select to require matched case.
Search Selected Folders—Select to restrict the search to the selected Explorer folders. Use Ctrl+click to select multiple folders.
NOTE: You can search within multiple projects if you have multiple projects open and select folders from more than one project.
Regular Expression—Select to allow regular expressions in the search pattern.
Click Search.
The Search results pane populates.
- If the search pattern is without wildcards, the search term is highlighted in the results. If the search pattern uses wildcards, no highlighting occurs.
- To search within a specific folder or multiple folders, select the folders in Explorer, and select the Search Selected Folders check box.
When the search completes, you can double-click a file or folder to highlight it in Explorer and open it in a new tab with the appropriate editor.
- When you double-click a file or folder in the results, the Find box populates with the path to that file. The Quick Search icon changes to a folder icon, and the Advanced Search icon is not available.
- When you double-click a folder result, the folder is highlighted in Explorer, but the tab that opens displays an Initialization failed message because there is no default editor for folders.
- You can adjust options in an advanced search and click Search to refine and re-run the search. To adjust a quick search, delete the text in the Find box and start over.
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