Using an Existing Data Set as Data Input

Using a data set as the input for another data set allows you to create data completely within the factory, and includes any rules incorporated in the initial data set.

To use an existing data set as input data for a new data set, create a factory-plugin file that specifies the data set that you want to use as input. Then you create the new data set, using the plugin file as the plugin-input.

Setup new data set showing plugin input type.

For more information, see Creating a Measure Factory Plugin.

IMPORTANT: The dimension tag must be removed from plugin files that are used as input for a data set.

Here is an example of Closedcode for a cfg.factory-plugin file.

factory-plugin { 
  name "Ambulatory Patient Chronic Detail Plugin" 
  description "plugin for Ambulatory Patient Chronic Detail." 
  input "Ambulatory Patient_Panel" { 
    column "Patient ID" type = "string" 
    column "Chronic Alzheimers Patient" type = "integer" 
    column "Chronic Anemia Patient" type = "integer" 
    column "Chronic Asthma Patient" type = "integer" 
    column "Chronic Depression Patient" type = "integer" 
    column "Chronic Diabetes Patient" type = "integer" 
    column "Panel Date" type = "date" 
    column "Chronic Patient" type = "boolean" 
  integrator-script "" 
  output { 
    column "Patient ID" type = "string" 
    column "Panel Date" type = "date" 
    column "Chronic Condition" type = "string" 
    column "Chronic Patient" type = "boolean" 

See also:

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