Measure Factory Rule Types

Measure Factory includes the following rule types:

  • Calc rule—Processes an expression that returns a value of any Spectre data type.
  • Flag rule—Produces a Boolean value; similar to lookup rules but only one rule is used as the key in the lookup.
  • Link rule—Allows movement of data from one data set to another.
  • Lookup rule—Brings in information from a lookup file.
  • Plugin rule—Runs an external process to produce rules not covered by the other rule types.
  • Setup ruleApplies to version 7.1(13) and later. Created during the initialization of the data set, either from a data source or plugin.
  • Source rule—Derives from the columns in the cBases.

NOTE:In Workbench 7.1(13) and later, instead of using source rules, DI recommends that you either allow automatic import of all input columns or use setup-rule tags to explicitly define which columns are imported.

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