Expand Set Code Block

You can define simple column expansions for individual tabular use, or specify an expand-set in the definitions block and reference it for use in multiple pages.

Here is a high level view of the syntax of an expand definition.

  expand <label string> { 

Here is a high level view of an expand-set in a definitions block.

  expand-set id = <string> { 
    take-parameter <string> 
    expand <label string> { 

Here is a high level view of the expand-set referenced in a data page.

  expand-set id = <string> { 
    pass-parameter <string> <value> 

Here is a high level view of the column-set that uses an expand definition.

  column-set id = <string> { 
    take-parameter <string> 
    <column> { 
      expand <label string> { 

See also What is a Definitions Block?